API Model Reference

Overview of all Paloma Shop API models.



Attribute group. Attributes referencing the same group are intended to be displayed together.

Property Type Description
name string Min: 1

Unique group name

label string

Localized label

position integer[int32]

Position of the group. When displaying several attribute groups, they are intended to be sorted by this position.


Attribute type. Every attribute has a type which defines what the attribute describes. Examples: 'country_of_origin', 'preparation_instructions', 'nutrient_energy_100g_kcal'.

Property Type Description
name string Min: 1

Unique attribute type name

locale string

Locale code

channel string Min: 1
catalog string Min: 1
group AttributeGroup

Related attribute types are grouped together

position integer[int32]

Position of the attribute type within its group

dataType string Values: text, text_multiline, html, integer, decimal, date, datetime, bool, currency, choice, code
label string

Localized label

values array[AttributeTypeValue]

If the attribute type has dataType=choice, all available choice values are listed here

measurement string Values: none, weight, volume
multiple boolean

Whether attributes of this type can have multiple values

display string Values: none, product

The display target of this attribute. 'None' means not intended to be displayed in a UI. 'product' means to be displayed on a product detail view.

created string[date-time]

When the attribute type was created

modified string[date-time]

When the attribute type was last updated

  "name": "description",
  "locale": "de_CH",
  "channel": "astina",
  "catalog": "CH",
  "group": {
    "name": "default",
    "label": "Standard"
  "position": 12,
  "dataType": "html",
  "label": "Beschreibung",
  "measurement": "none",
  "multiple": false,
  "created": "2020-03-11T13:17:42.216Z",
  "modified": "2020-03-11T13:17:42.216Z"


Choice value for attribute types with dataType=choice

Property Type Description
name string Min: 1

Unique name within the attribute type

label string

Localized label

position integer[int32]

Position of this value within the attribute type.


Product brand

Property Type Description
code string

Brand code

locale string[locale]

Locale code

name string

Brand name

slug string

Slugified brand name, might be used for URL path segments.

  "code": "adidas",
  "catalog": "B2C_CH",
  "locale": "en",
  "name": "Adidas",
  "slug": "adidas"


A collection of Brand items.

Property Type Description
content array[Brand]

List of Brand items`

size integer[int32]

Page size

number integer[int32]

Page number, starting from 0

totalElements integer[int64]

Total number of results for the search

totalPages integer[int32]

Total amount of pages

last boolean

true if this is the last page

first boolean

true if this is the first page

sort string

Sort property

order string Values: asc, desc

Sort order


Price of an item (article, ordering unit)

Property Type Description
currency string Min: 1

Formatted currency, usually the currency code.

unit string Min: 1

Localized name of the unit this price is valid for.

unitCode string

Code of the unit this price is valid for.

unitDecimals integer[int32]

The number of decimals in which the unit can be defined. E.g. 2 means values like 1.25 or 2.95 are possible, 0 means integer values like 1 or 2.

unitPrice string Min: 1

The price of one unit. Check taxIncluded to know whether this is the net or the gross price. Does not include the currency code or symbol.

originalUnitPrice string

The price before possible discounts. This price will be missing, if it's the same as unitPrice. Does not include the currency code or symbol.

unitMsrp string

The manufacturer's suggested retail price. This price will be missing, if it's the same as unitPrice. Does not include the currency code or symbol.

tax string

The formatted tax rate.

taxIncluded boolean

Whether the unitPrice includes taxes.

individual boolean

Whether this price is specific for the given price group.

scaling array[PriceScaling]

For scaled prices, this lists the scaling increments. If this is not a scaled price, the property will be missing.

  "currency": "CHF",
  "unit": "St\u00fcck",
  "unitPrice": "16.68",
  "tax": "7.7 %",
  "taxIncluded": true


Price of an item (article, ordering unit) for a specific quantity.

Property Type Description
currency string Min: 1

Formatted currency, usually the currency code.

unit string Min: 1

Localized name of the unit this price is valid for.

unitCode string

Code of the unit this price is valid for.

unitDecimals integer[int32]

The number of decimals in which the unit can be defined. E.g. 2 means values like 1.25 or 2.95 are possible, 0 means integer values like 1 or 2.

unitPrice string Min: 1

The price of one unit. Check taxIncluded to know whether this is the net or the gross price. Does not include the currency code or symbol.

quantity number

The quantity for this price.

price string Min: 1

The price for the given quantity. Check taxIncluded to know whether this is the net or the gross price. Does not include the currency code or symbol.

originalUnitPrice string

The price before possible discounts. This price will be missing, if it's the same as unitPrice. Does not include the currency code or symbol.

unitMsrp string

The manufacturer's suggested retail price. This price will be missing, if it's the same as unitPrice. Does not include the currency code or symbol.

tax string

The formatted tax rate.

taxIncluded boolean

Whether the unitPrice includes taxes.

individual boolean

Whether this price is specific for the given price group.

  "currency": "CHF",
  "unit": "St\u00fcck",
  "unitCode": "piece",
  "unitPrice": "16.68",
  "quantity": "2",
  "price": "33.36",
  "tax": "7.7 %",
  "taxIncluded": true


A product category. Categories are organised in a hierarchical fashion.

Property Type Description
code string Min: 1

Unique category identifier within a collection

channel string Min: 1
catalog string Min: 1
locale string[locale]

Locale code

name string Min: 1
slug string

SEO friendly name to be used for category URLs (together with the category code)

pageTitle string

When displaying a category view, this title can be used as the page title (<title>-tag).

metaDescription string

When displaying a category view, this title can be used as for the meta description.

h1Title string

When displaying a category view, this title can be used as for H1-heading.

footerText string

When displaying a category view, this text can be used as a footer text.

aliases string

Aliases for this category. This can be used to improve search results.

parent string

Parent category code

position integer[int32]

Position within the parent category

level integer[int32]

Level inside the category tree

image ProductImage

Category image

status string Values: active, unlisted, inactive

Category status. By default, the catalog API will return only categories with status active.

ancestors array[ProductCategoryReference]

A list of category references for all the category's ancestors. This is useful when a breadcrumb-style navigation needs to be rendered.

subCategories array[Category]

A list of this category's child categories. May be missing depending on how the category was fetched.

filterAggregates array[FilterAggregate]

A list of filter aggregates. These aggregates contain information for displaying search filters for this category.

created string[date-time]

When the category was created

modified string[date-time]

When the category was last updated

  "code": "123",
  "channel": "astina",
  "catalog": "ch",
  "locale": "de",
  "name": "Ladies",
  "slug": "ladies",
  "parent": "12",
  "position": 0,
  "level": 1,
  "subCategories": [
      "code": "234",
      "name": "Shoes",
      "slug": "shoes",
      "level": 2
  "filterAggregates": [
      "property": "variants.options.color.value",
      "label": "Color",
      "values": [
          "value": "blue",
          "count": 3
          "value": "green",
          "count": 4
          "value": "yellow",
          "count": 1
      "property": "variants.options.size.value",
      "label": "Size",
      "values": [
          "value": "41",
          "count": 12
          "value": "42",
          "count": 2
          "value": "43",
          "count": 4
          "value": "43 1\/2",
          "count": 20


Returned by the 'Search suggestions' API operation.

Property Type Description
code string

Category code

name string

Localized category name

slug string

Category slug


A channel is a virtual store front. Each channel can have its own catalog (products and categories), prices, languages, shipping methods and payment settings.

Property Type Description
name string

Channel name

catalog string

The product catalog assigned to this channel. The same catalog can be assigned to multiple channels.

currencies array[string]

Supported currencies by this channel (ISO 4217)

locales array[string]

Supported locales by this channel

origins array[string]

Known order origins by this channel

    "name": "b2c_ch",
    "catalog": "b2c_default",
    "currencies": [
    "locales": [
    "name": "b2c_de",
    "catalog": "b2c_default",
    "currencies": [
    "locales": [
    "name": "b2b_ch",
    "catalog": "b2b_ch",
    "currencies": [
    "locales": [


Request body for the 'Export one or multiple sheets with products' API operation.

Property Type Description
sheets array[ExportProductsRequestSheet]

Information about the export sheets.

pricingContext PricingContext

Pricing context to be used for the product search

  "sheets": [
      "name": "name",
      "items": [
          "quantity": 0,
          "sku": "sku"
          "quantity": 0,
          "sku": "sku"
      "name": "name",
      "items": [
          "quantity": 0,
          "sku": "sku"
          "quantity": 0,
          "sku": "sku"
  "pricingContext": {
    "date": "date",
    "currency": "currency",
    "priceGroups": [


Configuration for a product export sheet.

Property Type Description
name string

Export sheet name

items array[ExportProductsRequestSheetItem]

Configuration for the product export sheet items

  "name": "name",
  "items": [
      "quantity": 0,
      "sku": "sku"
      "quantity": 0,
      "sku": "sku"


Configuration for an item to be exported.

Property Type Description
sku string

SKU of the export item

quantity number

Quantity of the export item

unit string

Unit of the export item

portions integer[int32]

Number of portions for the export item

  "quantity": 0,
  "sku": "sku"


Response body of the 'Check export process status' API operation.

Property Type Description
id string

Process ID

created string[date-time]

When the export request was created

modified string[date-time]

When the export was last updated

status string Values: waiting, started, finished, failed
downloadLink string

When the export is finished, this property contains the URL where the export file can be downloaded from

filename string

Name of the created export file

  "downloadLink": "downloadLink",
  "created": "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
  "modified": "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
  "id": "id",
  "status": "waiting",
  "filename": "File.xlsx"


Request body for the 'Export a product search' API operation.

Property Type Description
category string

Category code

query string

Search keywords

filters array[ExportSearchRequestFilter]

Search filters; will be applied using AND operations.

sort string

Accepts 'name', 'price', 'position', 'relevance' as well as any attribute in the form attribute.[type]. By default, sorting is done by 'relevance' except when a category code is specified in which case the default is 'position'.

order string Values: asc, desc

Sort order

context PricingContext

Pricing context to be used for the product search.

catalog string

Catalog code

params object

Generic params for the export search request.

  "query": "query",
  "context": {
    "date": "date",
    "currency": "currency",
    "priceGroups": [
  "filters": [
      "values": [
      "lessThan": "lessThan",
      "property": "property",
      "match": "any",
      "greaterThan": "greaterThan"
      "values": [
      "lessThan": "lessThan",
      "property": "property",
      "match": "any",
      "greaterThan": "greaterThan"
  "sort": "sort",
  "category": "category",
  "order": "asc"


Filter for the product export search request.

Property Type Description
property string

Full property path (e.g. attributes.material.value, master.pricing.grossPrice, variants.options.size.value)

values array[string]

Multiple filter values are applied using OR.

greaterThan string

Greater-than or equal to. Only applicable for numeric values

lessThan string

Less-than or equal to. Only applicable for numeric values

match string Default: any Values: any, all, none

Determines how the filter values of this filter are to be applied. none matches items containing none of the provided values. all only makes sense for multi-valued attributes when a) providing multiple filter values, and b) actually filtering on a multi-valued property, like an attribute's values or valueCodes.

  "values": [
  "lessThan": "lessThan",
  "property": "property",
  "match": "any",
  "greaterThan": "greaterThan"


Choice for a product parameter field of type choice.

Property Type Description
value string

Choice value

label string

Localized choice value

disabled boolean

If true, this option is not available


Options for a product parameter form field.

Property Type Description
required boolean

Whether this is a mandatory parameter.

acceptedFiles array[string]

For parameters of type file: a list of accepted file types.

maxLength integer

For text input: the maximum number of characters.

minLength integer

For text input: the minimum number of characters.

pattern string

For text input: a regular expression which is matched against the parameter input.

max string

For numerical input: the maximum value.

min string

For numerical input: the minimum value.

choices array[FieldChoice]

For parameters of type choice: A list of available input choices.


Aggregated data for a specific product data property. Depending of the property's type, a list of values (and their respective occurrence count) or min/max values are available.

Property Type Description
property string

Full property path (e.g. attributes.material.value, master.pricing.grossPriceFormatted, variants.options.size.value)

name string

Internal name for the filter

label string

Localized filter label

type string Values: text, bool, number, currency

Filter type: text, boolean, number or currency

values array[FilterAggregateValue]
min number

Minimum value (for numeric properties)

max number

Maximum value (for numeric properties)

  "property": "variants.options.color.value",
  "label": "Color",
  "values": [
      "value": "blue",
      "count": 3,
      "total": 27
      "value": "green",
      "count": 4,
      "total": 31
      "value": "yellow",
      "count": 1,
      "total": 15


Aggregated data for one filter value.

Property Type Description
value string

Value for which the aggregation was calculated.

valueCode string

If applicable, this field contains the 'machine-readable' value for this aggregate.

count number

Number of occurrences of this value for the current search.

total number

Total overall occurrence of this value. Those totals are only calculated when requested ("totalAggregates": true).

  "value": "blue",
  "count": 3,
  "total": 29


Information about a product's lifecycle.

Property Type Description
phase string Values: active, phase_out, end_of_life

The current lifecycle phase of the product.

nextPhase string Values: active, phase_out, end_of_life

The next lifecycle phase of the product.

startOfNextPhase string[date-time]

Start of the next lifecycle phase of the product.


An ordering unit is a unit of a product variant which can be purchased.

Property Type Description
unit string Min: 1

Localized name of the unit of this ordering unit.

unitCode string

Code of the unit of this ordering unit.

unitDecimals integer[int32]

The number of decimals in which the unit can be defined. E.g. 2 means values like 1.25 or 2.95 are possible, 0 means integer values like 1 or 2.

portioning string Values: none, optional, required

Defines whether and how the product variant can be split into portions using this ordering unit.

  • none: no portioning is possible : - optional: portioning is possible, but not required
    • required: portioning is required
portioningUnit string

Localized unit name the portion quantity should be entered with.

portioningUnitCode string

Code of the unit the portion quantity should be entered with.

portioningNumerator integer[int32]

Numerator to be applied to convert from the portioning unit into the ordering unit (e.g. 1000 if unit is kilogram and portioning unit is gram).

portioningDenominator integer[int32]

Denominator to be applied to convert from the portioning unit into the ordering unit (e.g. 100 if unit is milliliter and portioning unit is deciliter).

minimumQuantity string[decimal-string]

The minimum quantity that can be ordered using this ordering unit.

quantityIncrement string[decimal-string]

When using this ordering unit, the line quantity must be divisible by this amount.

price CatalogPrice

The price information valid for this ordering unit.

  "unit": "MP",
  "unitDecimals": 2,
  "portioning": "none",
  "minimumQuantity": "0.05",
  "price": {
    "currency": "CHF",
    "unit": "MP",
    "unitPrice": "16.68",
    "tax": "7.7 %",
    "taxIncluded": true


Products with parameters define a list of parameter field configurations.

Property Type Description
name string

Parameter name

label string

Localized parameter name

type string Values: text, textarea, html, number, currency, choice, bool, date, datetime, time, email, url, file, section, country, password

Parameter form type

formOptions FieldOptions

Form field options for the parameter field

position integer

Position of the parameter within all the product's parameters.


Map of product parameter fields with the parameter names as map keys.

  "instructions": {
    "name": "instructions",
    "label": "Instructions",
    "type": "textarea",
    "formOptions": {
      "required": true,
      "maxLength": 500
    "position": 1


Information about price scaling

Property Type Description
scaleQuantity integer[int32] Min: 1

Quantity from which the price is applied.

unitPrice string Min: 1

Price of one unit

originalUnitPrice string

Original price of one unit

unitMsrp string

MSRP of one unit


Deprecated: Use CatalogPrice instead.

Property Type Description
_deprecated string

Deprecated: Use CatalogPrice instead.

currency string

Currency code

grossPrice number

This is the price the customer has to pay.

netPrice number

Net price (before taxes)

originalGrossPrice number

If the current gross price is reduced, this property holds the original price.

grossPriceFormatted string

Formatted gross price.

netPriceFormatted string

Formatted net price.

originalGrossPriceFormatted string

Formatted original price.

taxes TaxInfo
  "currency": "CHF",
  "grossPrice": 10.8,
  "netPrice": 10,
  "grossPriceFormatted": "10.80",
  "netPriceFormatted": "10.00",
  "taxes": {
    "vat": {
      "rate": 0.08,
      "name": "MWST",
      "amount": 0.8,
      "rateFormatted": "8 %",
      "amountFormatted": "0.80"


Parameter object which is used in many API operations what do product search, price evaluation and/or availability checks.

Property Type Description
currency string

The currency to get product data.

date string

An optional date/time to get product data for a specific date (e.g. to get future prices). This date is used as priceDate, availabilityDate, visibilityDate if they are not provided explicitly. Can be either in date-time (RFC 3339, e.g. '2020-07-21T17:32:28Z') or date format (e.g. '2020-07-21'). If only a date is provided, 12:00 UTC is assumed as time.

priceDate string

An optional date/time to get prices for a specific date (e.g. to get future prices). Can be either in date-time (RFC 3339, e.g. '2020-07-21T17:32:28Z') or date format (e.g. '2020-07-21'). If only a date is provided, 12:00 UTC is assumed as time.

availabilityDate string

An optional date/time to get product data with availability evaluated for a specific date (e.g. to get future prices). Can be either in date-time (RFC 3339, e.g. '2020-07-21T17:32:28Z') or date format (e.g. '2020-07-21'). If only a date is provided, 12:00 UTC is assumed as time.

visibilityDate string

An optional date/time to get product data with visibility evaluated for a specific date (e.g. to get future prices). Can be either in date-time (RFC 3339, e.g. '2020-07-21T17:32:28Z') or date format (e.g. '2020-07-21'). If only a date is provided, 12:00 UTC is assumed as time.

priceGroups array[string]

Optional pricing groups active for the customer. Pricing groups may affect the catalog's price evaluation. These should be taken from the logged-in customer's attribute with the same name.

preferredUnit string

Optional preferred price unit. The price unit will affect to price evaluation. If no price with the preferred price unit is available, or if the preferred price unit is not set, the articles default price unit will be returned.

  "currency": "CH",
  "date": "2018-03-01T23:00:00.000Z",
  "priceGroups": [


Contains product attributes, images, assets as well as all product variants with their respective prices, stocks and attributes.

Property Type Description
itemNumber string Min: 1

Product item number (unique within the channel)

channel string Min: 1

The channel of the product

catalog string Min: 1

The catalog of the product

locale string[locale]

Locale of the localized data within this product (e.g. name, description, prices, attribute values)

name string Min: 1

Localized product name

slug string

SEO friendly name to be used for product URLs (together with the product item number)

description string

Localized product description

shortDescription string

Short, localized product description

badge string

Deprecated: use attributes for product badges

status string Default: active Values: active, inactive
master ProductVariant

The master variant. This variant can also be listed in the variants list and is referenced here for convenience. If for instance the images of the product is needed, product.master.images can be used.

options ProductOptionsSummary

Summary of options of all the variants. E.g. all colors and sizes.

variants array[ProductVariant] Min: 1 Max: 100

Available variants (or articles) for this product. Note that this property can be null if the 'omit-variants' parameter has been set when requesting this resource.

categories array[ProductCategory] Min: 1 Max: 100

Product categories

lifecycleInfo LifecycleInfo

Lifecycle information of the product. E.g. used for end-of-life products

associations ProductAssociations

Different types of associated product numbers

created string[date-time]
modified string[date-time]
  "itemNumber": "10704-820",
  "channel": "astina",
  "catalog": "ch",
  "locale": "de",
  "name": "Absatzsandale",
  "slug": "absatzsandale",
  "description": "Verspielte Absatzsandale aus feinem Lackleder. Das zarte Riemchenspiel schmeichelt der Silhouette Ihres Fusses und setzt ihn stilsicher in Szene. Zudem schenkt er Ihnen endlos lange Beine und funktioniert edel zum Cocktail oder l\u00e4ssig zum Denim Look.",
  "shortDescription": "Verspielte Absatzsandale aus feinem Lackleder.",
  "badge": "sale",
  "master": {
    "sku": "10704-820-1",
    "name": "Absatzsandale Dunkelblau",
    "taxCategory": "default",
    "price": {
      "currency": "CHF",
      "unit": "piece",
      "unitPrice": "100.00",
      "unitDecimals": 0,
      "tax": "8 %",
      "taxIncluded": true
    "options": [
        "option": "size",
        "label": "Gr\u00f6sse",
        "value": "36"
        "option": "color",
        "label": "Farbe",
        "value": "dunkelblau"
    "images": [
        "name": "10704_820a.jpg",
        "sources": [
            "size": "large",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
            "size": "medium",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
            "size": "small",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a_overview.jpg"
        "name": "10704_820c.jpg",
        "sources": [
            "size": "large",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
            "size": "medium",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
            "size": "small",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
    "availability": {
      "available": true,
      "stocks": [
          "inventory": "chzh01",
          "stock": 12
      "availableFrom": "2015-12-02"
  "options": {
    "color": {
      "option": "color",
      "label": "Farbe",
      "values": [
          "value": "dunkelblau",
          "label": "Dunkelblau",
          "image": {
            "name": "10704_820a.jpg",
            "sources": [
                "size": "large",
                "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
                "size": "medium",
                "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
                "size": "small",
                "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a_overview.jpg"
          "skus": [
          "value": "dunkelgr\u00fcn",
          "label": "Dunkelgr\u00fcn",
          "image": {
            "name": "10704_820a.jpg",
            "sources": [
                "size": "large",
                "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
                "size": "medium",
                "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
                "size": "small",
                "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a_overview.jpg"
          "skus": [
    "size": {
      "option": "size",
      "label": "Gr\u00f6sse",
      "values": []
  "variants": [
      "sku": "10704-820-1",
      "name": "Absatzsandale Dunkelblau",
      "taxCategory": "default",
      "price": {
        "currency": "CHF",
        "unit": "piece",
        "unitPrice": "99.00",
        "unitDecimals": 0,
        "tax": "8 %",
        "taxIncluded": true
      "options": [
          "option": "size",
          "label": "Gr\u00f6sse",
          "value": "36"
          "option": "color",
          "label": "Farbe",
          "value": "dunkelblau"
      "assets": [
          "name": "432_567.jpg",
          "source": "http:\/\/example.org\/files\/image_main_jpg_cmyk.jpg",
          "title": "Hauptbild (JPG CMYK)",
          "set": "image_main_jpg_cmyk",
          "size": 69870
      "images": [
          "name": "10704_820a.jpg",
          "sources": [
              "size": "large",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
              "size": "medium",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
              "size": "small",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a_overview.jpg"
          "name": "10704_820c.jpg",
          "sources": [
              "size": "large",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
              "size": "medium",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
              "size": "small",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
      "availability": {
        "available": true,
        "stocks": [
            "inventory": "chzh01",
            "stock": 12
            "inventory": "chzh02",
            "stock": 4
      "sku": "10704-820-2",
      "name": "Absatzsandale Dunkelgr\u00fcn",
      "taxCategory": "default",
      "price": {
        "currency": "CHF",
        "unit": "piece",
        "unitPrice": "100.00",
        "unitDecimals": 0,
        "tax": "8 %",
        "taxIncluded": true
      "options": [
          "option": "size",
          "label": "Gr\u00f6sse",
          "value": "36"
          "option": "color",
          "label": "Farbe",
          "value": "dunkelgr\u00fcn"
      "assets": [
          "name": "432_567.jpg",
          "source": "http:\/\/example.org\/files\/image_main_jpg_cmyk.jpg",
          "title": "Hauptbild (JPG CMYK)",
          "set": "image_main_jpg_cmyk",
          "size": 69870
      "images": [
          "name": "10704_820a.jpg",
          "sources": [
              "size": "large",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
              "size": "medium",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
              "size": "small",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a_overview.jpg"
          "name": "10704_820c.jpg",
          "sources": [
              "size": "large",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
              "size": "medium",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
              "size": "small",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
      "availability": {
        "available": false,
        "stocks": [
            "inventory": "chzh01",
            "stock": 0
            "inventory": "chzh02",
            "stock": 0
  "categories": [
      "code": "100",
      "name": "Shoes",
      "slug": "shoes",
      "level": 0
      "code": "101",
      "name": "Hiking Boots",
      "slug": "shoes\/hiking-boots",
      "level": 1


A product asset like a PDF-manual or print-ready product images.

Property Type Description
name string

Asset file name

source string

URL of the asset

title string

Localized asset title

caption string

Localized asset caption

set string

Assets may be visually grouped by their set

size integer

Asset file size in bytes

  "name": "432_567.jpg",
  "source": "http:\/\/example.org\/files\/image_main_jpg_cmyk.jpg",
  "title": "Hauptbild (JPG CMYK)",
  "set": "image_main_jpg_cmyk",
  "size": 69870


Map of product associations. The map key contains the association type, the map values are lists of product item numbers.

  "recommended": [
  "similar": [


Attributes consist of a type, label and one or multiple values. The type can be used as an identifier in case some logic needs to be applied for certain attributes. Attributes can also be used to filter product search results.

Property Type Description
type string

Attribute type

dataType string Values: text, text_multiline, html, integer, decimal, date, datetime, bool, currency, choice, code

Data type of this attribute

label string

Localized attribute label

value string

Localized attribute value. If the attribute has multiple values, those are listed here as well (e.g. "a, b, c")

values array[string]
valueCode string

Optional: language-independent identifier for this attribute value

valueCodes array[string]
group AttributeGroup
position integer[int32]

The attribute's position within its group

display string Values: product, none

Whether the attribute should be displayed on the product detail page

  "label": "ISBN Number",
  "type": "isbn_number",
  "value": "9781502878618",
  "values": [
  "display": "product"


Information about the availability of a product variant.

Property Type Description
available boolean

Available for purchase

unitCode string

Unit code

totalStock number

Total number of available products for unitCode

availableStock number

Number of available products minus reservations for unitCode. If this number is zero, the product can't be added to the cart.

stocks array[ProductStock]

List of stock information items.

availableFrom string[date-time]

Release date

availableTo string[date-time]

The product will no longer available after this timestamp

interruptions array[ProductAvailabilityInterruption]

List of possible supply interruptions.

nextPossibleDeliveryDate DeliveryDate

Describes the next possible date this item may be delivered at

inventoryMode string Values: managed, non_managed

Inventory mode:

  • managed - there is a finite stock which needs to be tracked
  • non_managed - the shop can assume infinite supply
unavailabilityReasons array[string]

If the above available flag is false, this field describes the reason(s) why.

  "available": true,
  "stocks": [
      "inventory": "chzh01",
      "stock": 12
  "availableFrom": "2015-12-02"


Interruption of an item's availability.

Property Type Description
interruptedFrom string[date-time]

Start of the interruption

interruptedTo string[date-time]

End of the interruption


Category information for a product. Contains only basic data about the category (e.g. to render a link to the category) as well as the product's position within the category.

Property Type Description
code string

Category code

name string

Category name

slug string

Category slug

level integer[int32]

Level in the category tree

productPosition integer[int32]

The position of the product within this category

categoryPosition integer[int32]

The position of the category within its parent category


Reference to a category. Contains only basic data about the category (e.g. to render a link to the category).

Property Type Description
code string

Category code

name string

Category name

slug string

Category slug

level integer[int32]

Level in the category tree


A product or article image, usually optimized for displaying in a website or app.

Property Type Description
name string Min: 1

Image name

title string

Localized image name

caption string

Localized image caption

set string

Images sharing the same set are intended to be shown together.

sources array[ProductImageSource]

List of sources for this image.

  "name": "123_123.jpg",
  "sources": [
      "size": "large",
      "url": "http:\/\/example.org\/images\/example-large.jpg"
      "size": "medium",
      "url": "http:\/\/example.org\/images\/example-medium.jpg"
      "size": "small",
      "url": "http:\/\/example.org\/images\/example-small.jpg"


A source for a product image (specific size).

Property Type Description
size string

Size name of the image source. Available sizes can be configured individually for each project. Default sizes are: 'small' (400 x 400), 'medium' (800 x 800), 'large' (1600 x 1600), 'full' (2000 x 2000). Note that resized images will keep their aspect ratio, so those sizes represent maximum width or height.

url string

Absolute URL for the resized image.

  "size": "large",
  "url": "http:\/\/example.org\/images\/example.jpg"


Contains basic product information.

Property Type Description
itemNumber string Min: 1

Product item number (unique within the channel)

channel string Min: 1

The channel of the product

catalog string Min: 1

The catalog of the product

locale string[locale]

Locale code

name string Min: 1

Product name

slug string

SEO friendly name to be used for product URLs (together with the product item number)

description string

Product description

shortDescription string

Short product description

categories array[ProductCategory] Min: 1 Max: 100

Product categories

  "itemNumber": "10704-820",
  "channel": "astina",
  "catalog": "ch",
  "locale": "de",
  "name": "Absatzsandale",
  "slug": "absatzsandale",
  "description": "Verspielte Absatzsandale aus feinem Lackleder. Das zarte Riemchenspiel schmeichelt der Silhouette Ihres Fusses und setzt ihn stilsicher in Szene. Zudem schenkt er Ihnen endlos lange Beine und funktioniert edel zum Cocktail oder l\u00e4ssig zum Denim Look.",
  "shortDescription": "Verspielte Absatzsandale aus feinem Lackleder.",
  "categories": [
      "code": "100",
      "name": "Shoes",
      "slug": "shoes",
      "level": 0
      "code": "101",
      "name": "Hiking Boots",
      "slug": "shoes\/hiking-boots",
      "level": 1


When a product is using options, each variant has a list of options describing the concrete value for each option for this variant.

Property Type Description
option string

The option type

label string

Localized option value

value string

Option value

  "option": "color",
  "label": "Schwarz",
  "value": "black"


Map of product options, the map key containing the option type.

  "size": {
    "option": "color",
    "label": "Black",
    "value": "001"


Summary of options of all the variants. E.g. all colors and sizes.

Property Type Description
key string
value ProductOptionsSummaryOption
  "color": {
    "option": "color",
    "label": "Farbe",
    "values": [
        "value": "dunkelblau",
        "label": "Dunkelblau",
        "image": {
          "name": "10704_820a.jpg",
          "sources": [
              "size": "large",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
              "size": "medium",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
              "size": "small",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a_overview.jpg"
        "skus": [
        "value": "dunkelgr\u00fcn",
        "label": "Dunkelgr\u00fcn",
        "image": {
          "name": "10704_820a.jpg",
          "sources": [
              "size": "large",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
              "size": "medium",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
              "size": "small",
              "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a_overview.jpg"
        "skus": [
  "size": {
    "option": "size",
    "label": "Gr\u00f6sse",
    "values": []


Product option containing all values for this type

Property Type Description
option string

The option type

label string

Localized option name

values array[ProductOptionsSummaryOptionValue]
  "option": "color",
  "label": "Farbe",
  "values": [
      "value": "dunkelblau",
      "label": "Dunkelblau",
      "image": {
        "name": "10704_820a.jpg",
        "sources": [
            "size": "large",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
            "size": "medium",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
            "size": "small",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a_overview.jpg"
      "skus": [
      "value": "dunkelgr\u00fcn",
      "label": "Dunkelgr\u00fcn",
      "image": {
        "name": "10704_820a.jpg",
        "sources": [
            "size": "large",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
            "size": "medium",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
            "size": "small",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a_overview.jpg"
      "skus": [


Product option value containing a list of SKUs that have this option value

Property Type Description
value string

Option value code

label string

Localized option value

image ProductImage

Product option image

skus array[string]

List of product variant SKUs that have this option value

  "value": "dunkelblau",
  "label": "Dunkelblau",
  "image": {
    "name": "10704_820a.jpg",
    "sources": [
        "size": "large",
        "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
        "size": "medium",
        "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
        "size": "small",
        "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a_overview.jpg"
  "skus": [


Page of product items.

Property Type Description
content array[Product]

List of products

aggregates array[FilterAggregate]

A list of filter aggregates. These aggregates contain information for displaying search filters for this product page.

size integer[int32]

Page size

number integer[int32]

Page number, starting from 0

totalElements integer[int64]

Total number of results for the search

totalPages integer[int32]

Total amount of pages

last boolean

true if this is the last page

first boolean

true if this is the first page

sort array[SortOrder]

Sort properties


Product stock information for a specific unit and inventory.

Property Type Description
inventory string

Inventory code

unitCode string

Unit code

stock integer[int32]

Amount of items

  "inventory": "chzh01",
  "unitCode": "piece",
  "stock": 130


Returned by the 'Search suggestions' API operation.

Property Type Description
itemNumber string

Product item number

name string

Localized product name

slug string

Product slug

category CategorySuggestion

Category where the product is located (or one of the categories, if there are multiple)

mainCategory CategorySuggestion

Relevant parent of the category.

image ProductImage

Product image

attributes ProductAttributes

Product attributes


A product unit contains information about packaging, weight and (informational) price. Not all units can be purchased as such. See OrderingUnit for purchasable units.

Property Type Description
unit string Min: 1

Localized name of the unit.

unitCode string

Code of the unit.

minimumQuantity string[decimal-string]

Minimum quantity that can be purchased.

quantityIncrement string[decimal-string]

Increments by which this item can be purchased. If the quantity increment is 3, for example, the item may be purchased with amounts of 3, 6, 9, 12, .etc.

grossWeightKg string

Gross weight in kg, localized and formatted.

netWeightKg string

Net weight in kg, localized and formatted.

netDrainedWeightKg string

Net drained weight in kg, localized and formatted.

bundleUnit ProductUnitBundleInfo

Information about units bundled within this unit (e.g. kg in a can, or boxes on a pallet).

price CatalogPrice

The price information for this unit.

  "unit": "Consumer Unit",
  "unitCode": "CU",
  "grossWeightKg": "0.95",
  "netWeightKg": "0.8",
  "bundleUnit": {
    "unit": "Kg",
    "unitCode": "kilogram",
    "quantity": "0.8"
  "price": {
    "currency": "CHF",
    "unitPrice": "16.68",
    "tax": "7.7 %",
    "taxIncluded": false


Contains information about units bundled within another unit (e.g. kg in a can, or boxes on a pallet).

Property Type Description
unit string Min: 1

Localized name of the unit.

unitCode string

Code of the unit.

quantity string

How much of this unit is contained within the bundle. Localized and formatted.


A specific variant (or article) of a product.

Property Type Description
sku string Min: 1

Stock keeping unit (unique)

name string Min: 1

Product variant name

taxCategory string Min: 1

The tax category

pricing Pricing

Variant pricing. This field is deprecated and price should be used, instead.

price CatalogPrice

Resolved purchase price based on the given request parameters.

baseOrderingUnit string

Unit code of the base (or 'default') ordering unit.

baseUnit string

Unit code of the base (or 'default') unit.

orderingUnits array[OrderingUnit]

List of all available ordering units for this variant.

units array[ProductUnit]

List of all known units for this variant.

informationalPrices array[CatalogPrice]

Informational prices for this variant. For instance, the variant price might be for a 5 kg bag, and these prices might include one for 100 g. The variant cannot be bought in 100 g increments, but we might be legally required to the hypothetical price. This field is deprecated and units should be used, instead.

options ProductOptions

Product options for this variant. Only available if the product uses option types.

attributes ProductAttributes

Attributes for this variant.

parameters ParameterFields

Parameters are a way for the customer to specify special wishes when buying a product, such as adding a commentary, selecting a value for a coupon, selecting special ingredients "extra onions", "vegan cheese", configuring a computer or appliance with parts "Base configuration" "Extra 32 TB SSD", or other, similar endeavours. This fields specifies, which parameters this product accepts. A value for each parameter can (must) be sent when purchasing a variant.

assets array[ProductAsset]

List of assets for this variant.

images array[ProductImage]

List of images for this variant.

availability ProductAvailability

Information about this variant's availability.

    "sku": "10704-820-1",
    "name": "Absatzsandale Dunkelblau",
    "price": {
      "currency": "CHF",
      "unitPrice": "99.00",
      "originalUnitPrice": "219.00",
      "tax": "8 %",
      "taxIncluded": true
    "product": {
      "itemNumber": "10704-820",
      "channel": "astina",
      "catalog": "ch",
      "locale": "de",
      "name": "Absatzsandale",
      "slug": "absatzsandale",
      "description": "Verspielte Absatzsandale aus feinem Lackleder. Das zarte Riemchenspiel schmeichelt der Silhouette Ihres Fusses und setzt ihn stilsicher in Szene. Zudem schenkt er Ihnen endlos lange Beine und funktioniert edel zum Cocktail oder l\u00e4ssig zum Denim Look.",
      "shortDescription": "Verspielte Absatzsandale aus feinem Lackleder.",
      "categories": [
          "code": "100",
          "name": "Shoes",
          "slug": "shoes",
          "level": 0
          "code": "101",
          "name": "Hiking Boots",
          "slug": "shoes\/hiking-boots",
          "level": 1
    "options": [
        "option": "size",
        "label": "Gr\u00f6sse",
        "value": "36"
        "option": "color",
        "label": "Farbe",
        "value": "dunkelblau"
    "images": [
        "name": "10704_820a.jpg",
        "sources": [
            "size": "large",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
            "size": "medium",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
            "size": "small",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a_overview.jpg"
        "name": "10704_820c.jpg",
        "sources": [
            "size": "large",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
            "size": "medium",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
            "size": "small",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
    "availability": {
      "available": true,
      "stocks": [
          "inventory": "chzh01",
          "stock": 12
          "inventory": "chzh02",
          "stock": 4


A page containing product variants

Property Type Description
content array[ProductVariantWithProductInfo]

List of product variants

aggregates array[FilterAggregate]

A list of filter aggregates. These aggregates contain information for displaying search filters for this product variant page.

size integer[int32]

Page size

number integer[int32]

Page number, starting from 0

totalElements integer[int64]

Total number of results for the search

totalPages integer[int32]

Total amount of pages

last boolean

true if this is the last page

first boolean

true if this is the first page

sort array[SortOrder]

Sort properties


A specific variant (or article) of a product.

Property Type Description
sku string Min: 1

Stock keeping unit (unique)

name string Min: 1

Product variant name

taxCategory string Min: 1

The tax category

price CatalogPrice

Resolved purchase price based on the given request parameters.

orderingUnits array[OrderingUnit]

List of all available ordering units for this variant.

informationalPrices array[CatalogPrice]

Informational prices for this variant. For instance, the variant price might be for a 5 kg bag, and these prices might include one for 100 g. The variant cannot be bought in 100 g increments, but we might be legally required to the hypothetical price.

product ProductInfo

Basic product information

options ProductOptions

Product options, if the product uses option types.

attributes ProductAttributes

Product attributes

assets array[ProductAsset]

List of product assets

images array[ProductImage]

List of product images

availability ProductAvailability

Product availability information

    "sku": "10704-820-1",
    "name": "Absatzsandale Dunkelblau",
    "price": {
      "currency": "CHF",
      "unit": "piece",
      "unitPrice": "99.00",
      "tax": "8 %",
      "taxIncluded": true
    "options": [
        "option": "size",
        "label": "Gr\u00f6sse",
        "value": "36"
        "option": "color",
        "label": "Farbe",
        "value": "dunkelblau"
    "images": [
        "name": "10704_820a.jpg",
        "sources": [
            "size": "large",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
            "size": "medium",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
            "size": "small",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a_overview.jpg"
        "name": "10704_820c.jpg",
        "sources": [
            "size": "large",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
            "size": "medium",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
            "size": "small",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
    "availability": {
      "available": true,
      "stocks": [
          "inventory": "chzh01",
          "stock": 12
          "inventory": "chzh02",
          "stock": 4


Request body of the 'Get products for SKUs' API operation

Property Type Description
skus array[string] Min: 1

List of SKU

omitOtherVariants boolean

If true the returned product will only contain variants with SKU of the given skus.

includeInactiveProducts boolean

If true, also product with status inactive are returned.

  "skus": [
  "omitOtherVariants": false,
  "includeInactiveProducts": false


Product search filter within a product search request.

Property Type Description
property string

Full property path (e.g. attributes.material.value, master.pricing.grossPrice, variants.options.size.value)

values array[string]

Multiple filter values are applied using OR.

greaterThan number

Greater-than or equal to. Only applicable for numeric values

lessThan number

Less-than or equal to. Only applicable for numeric values

match string Default: any Values: any, all, none

Determines how the filter values of this filter are to be applied. none matches items containing none of the provided values. all only makes sense for multi-valued attributes when a) providing multiple filter values, and b) actually filtering on a multi-valued property, like an attribute's values or valueCodes.

or SearchFilter

Add another filter with OR.

  "property": "variants.options.color.value",
  "values": [


Product search request to retrieve paged product listings.

Property Type Description
category string

Category code

query string

Search keywords

filters array[SearchFilter]

Search filters; will be applied using AND operations.

filterAggregates boolean

Whether to include aggregated option and attribute values over all search results.

totalAggregates boolean

Whether to include overall total counts in aggregated values.

omitVariants boolean

Whether to omit product variants in the response (may significantly reduce payload size)

page integer[int32]

Page number, starting from 0

size integer[int32] Default: 10 Min: 1
sort string

Accepts 'name', 'price', 'base_unit_price', 'position', 'relevance' as well as any attribute in the form attribute.[type]. By default, sorting is done by 'relevance' except when a category code is specified in which case the default is 'position'.

order string Default: asc Values: asc, desc

Sort order

context PricingContext

The context to be used for the product search.

  "category": "123",
  "query": "sports",
  "filters": [
      "property": "variants.options.size.value",
      "values": [
  "page": 2,
  "sort": "price",
  "order": "asc"


Response body of the 'Get search suggestions' API operation.

Property Type Description
products array[ProductSuggestion]

List of product suggestions

categories array[CategorySuggestion]

List of category suggestions

  "categories": [
      "code": "123",
      "name": "Sports Shoes",
      "slug": "sports-shoes"
      "code": "234",
      "name": "Hiking Boots",
      "slug": "hiking-boots"
  "products": [
      "itemNumber": "123",
      "name": "Adidas Superstars Green\/9",
      "slug": "adidas-superstars-green-9",
      "category": "Sports Shoes",
      "mainCategory": {
        "code": "110",
        "name": "Shoes",
        "slug": "shoes"


Sort order setting

Property Type Description
direction string Values: asc, desc

Whether to sort ascending or descending

property string

The property to be sorted by


Information about a specific type of tax.

Property Type Description
type string Default: VAT Values: VAT

Tax type

rate number[double]

Tax rate as decimal

name string

The tax name

amount number

Tax amount

rateFormatted string

Formatted tax rate

amountFormatted string

Formatted tax amount

  "tye": "VAT",
  "rate": 0.08,
  "name": "MWST",
  "amount": 0.8,
  "rateFormatted": "8 %",
  "amountFormatted": "0.80"


Information about VAT.

Property Type Description
vat Tax

VAT information

taxInclusion string Default: inclusive Values: inclusive, exclusive, not_applicable

Defines whether the price amount includes taxes or not.

  "vat": {
    "tye": "VAT",
    "rate": 0.08,
    "name": "MWST",
    "amount": 0.8,
    "rateFormatted": "8 %",
    "amountFormatted": "0.80"


List of taxes applied to an order.

Property Type Description
taxes array[Tax]

List of tax information



Address data

Property Type Description
title string Max: 50


titleCode string Values: ms, mr, unknown

Salutation code

firstName string Max: 50

First name

lastName string Max: 50

Last name

company string Max: 50

Company name

street string Max: 50

Address street

zipCode string Max: 50

ZIP code

city string Max: 50

Address city

country string Min: 2 Max: 2

Country code

phoneNumber string Max: 50

Phone number

emailAddress string Max: 255

Email address

remarks string Max: 255

Additional remarks about the address

  "title": "Mr.",
  "titleCode": "mr",
  "firstName": "Hans",
  "lastName": "Muster",
  "street": "Musterweg 1",
  "zipCode": "8000",
  "city": "Zurich",
  "country": "CH",
  "phoneNumber": "0445007710",
  "emailAddress": "test@astina.io",
  "remarks": "This is a remark"


Returned by the 'Get payment methods' API operation. List of payment methods available for an order.

Property Type Description
name string Min: 1

Name of the payment method.

type string Values: invoice, electronic, unknown

Payment methods with type 'electronic' require that the web shop performs a payment flow. See /{channel}/orders/{id}/payments endpoint for information.

provider string Values: datatrans, postfinance, test

Only for type 'electronic': The payment provider that the web shop should use to perform the payment flow.

paymentInstruments array[PaymentInstrument]

Only for type 'electronic': Payment instruments are saved credit cards which can be used for payment.

paymentMeans array[PaymentMeans]

Only for type 'electronic': The payment means (e.g. credit card types) supported by the provider.

  "name": "creditcard",
  "type": "electronic",
  "provider": "datatrans",
  "paymentInstruments": [
      "id": "01E4V2JCC9T33QXEAXPHCJEC4F",
      "type": "Mastercard",
      "maskedCardNumber": "513659xxxxxx5354",
      "expirationMonth": "12",
      "expirationYear": "24"
  "paymentMeans": [
      "id": "visa",
      "name": "Visa",
      "providerCode": "VIS"
      "id": "mastercard",
      "name": "Mastercard",
      "providerCode": "ECA"


Returned by the 'Get shipping methods' API operation. List of available shipping methods for an order.

Property Type Description
name string

Shipping method name

pricing Pricing

Pricing for the shipping method

  "name": "post_priority",
  "pricing": {
    "currency": "CHF",
    "grossPrice": 10,
    "grossPriceFormatted": "10.00",
    "taxes": {
      "vat": {
        "type": "VAT",
        "rate": 0.08,
        "name": "MwSt.",
        "amount": 22.14,
        "rateFormatted": "8 %",
        "amountFormatted": "22.14"


Person/entity who places the order.

Property Type Description
id string Min: 1 Max: 255

Broker entity ID

name string Min: 1 Max: 255

Broker name

emailAddress string Min: 1 Max: 255

Broker email address

  "id": "123",
  "name": "Petra Musterfrau",
  "emailAddress": "petra.musterfrau@example.com"


Request body for the 'Bulk delete items' API operation.

Property Type Description
itemIds array[string] Min: 1

Item ids denoting the items that need to be removed from the order.


Automatic modification to the cart that was not explicitly requested by the client.

Property Type Description
code string Values: item_removed, item_price_changed, item_unit_changed, item_not_added, shipping_target_date_removed, delivery_arrangement_removed, delivery_arrangement_modified, currency_changed
itemId string

ID of the affected order item (may be null)

params object

Arbitrary key-value pairs with information about the modification (see example).

  "code": "item_price_changed",
  "itemId": "1",
  "params": {
    "unit_price_before": "19.90",
    "unit_price_after": "13.80",
    "item_price_before": "39.80",
    "item_price_after": "27.60"


Map containing information about a cart modification.

Property Type Description
key string
value string
  "unit_price_before": "19.90",
  "unit_price_after": "13.80",
  "item_price_before": "39.80",
  "item_price_after": "27.60"


A channel is a virtual store front. Each channel can have its own catalog (products and categories), prices, languages, shipping methods and payment settings.

Property Type Description
name string

Channel name

currencies array[string]

Supported currencies by this channel (ISO 4217)

locales array[string]

Supported locales by this channel

origins array[string]

Known order origins by this channel

checkout ChannelCheckoutSettings

Checkout settings for this channel

    "name": "b2c_ch",
    "currencies": [
    "locales": [
    "checkout": {
      "minItemsPrice": 50
    "name": "b2c_de",
    "currencies": [
    "locales": [
    "checkout": {
      "minItemsPrice": 25
    "name": "b2b_ch",
    "currencies": [
    "locales": [
    "checkout": {
      "maxItemsPrice": 10000,
      "minItemCount": 3


Checkout settings for a channel

Property Type Description
minItemsPriceSurchargeThreshold number

Minimum value of all items in a shopping cart. If the price is below this number, a 'surcharge' adjustment is added to the order.

minItemsPrice number

Minimum value of all items in a shopping cart. If the price is below this number, purchase is not possible.

maxItemsPrice number

Maximum value of all items in a shopping cart. If the price is above this number, purchase is not possible.

minOrderPrice number

Minimum value of all items in a shopping cart. If the price is below this number, purchase is not possible.

maxOrderPrice number

Maximum value of all items in a shopping cart. If the price is above this number, purchase is not possible.

minItemCount integer[int32]

Minimum cumulated quantity of items in a shopping cart. If the number is below this value, purchase is not possible.

maxItemCount integer[int32]

Maximum cumulated quantity of items in a shopping cart. If the number is above this value, purchase is not possible.


Object containing custom data updates.

Property Type Description
path string
value object
  "path": "example",
  "value": "example"


Customer information within an order. The customer can be a registered customer within Paloma, a guest user or a customer from 3rd party system.

Property Type Description
id string Default: Customer ID of the referenced Paloma customer (optional) Min: 1 Max: 36

Paloma customer ID

customerNumber string Min: 1 Max: 50

Customer number.

emailAddress string Default: Customer email address Min: 1
firstName string Min: 1 Max: 50

First name

locale string[locale]

Locale code (de, en, fr, de_CH, ...)

lastName string Min: 1 Max: 50

Last name

company string Min: 1 Max: 50

Company name

gender string Default: Gender code (optional). This is primarily used to generate proper salutations in order transaction mails. Values: male, female, unknown
dateOfBirth string[date] Default: Date of birth. This may be used to test if a user is old enough to buy certain goods.
billingAddress Address Default: The customer's default billing address
shippingAddress Address Default: The customer's default shipping address
userId string Default: Optional: ID of the acting Paloma shop user
deliveryGroup string Default: Delivery group associated with this customer
catalog string Default: Catalog associated with this customer (if unset, the channel's default catalog is used)
customerStatus string Default: Customer status Values: enabled, disabled
priceGroups array[string]

Pricing groups may affect the cart's price evaluation. These should be taken from the logged-in customer's attribute with the same name.

  "id": "43435-6565-6565",
  "customerNumber": "989739",
  "emailAddress": "test@astina.io",
  "locale": "de_CH",
  "firstName": "Hans",
  "lastName": "Muster",
  "company": "Muster AG",
  "gender": "male",
  "userId": "CH000350921",
  "priceGroups": [


Property Type Description
customerOrderNumber string
  "customerOrderNumber": "ORD-123456789"


Property Type Description
shippingMethodName string
targetDate string[date]
targetSlot string

Null only if no delivery target slots are configured for this instance.

override boolean

If set to true, the delivery arrangement will be applied even if it is not valid for the given item. This is intended for internal users who "know better" and should not be called for web shop use.


Property Type Description
targetDate string[date]

All delivery schemes in this object start on this date and slot.

targetSlot string

All delivery schemes in this object start on this date and slot.


Is a delivery possible on this day?

  • NO_DELIVERY - No delivery day/slot. Normally there is no delivery for this customer for this day and slot. This can be distinguished from days/slots that are in the past or too far into the future, because for those dates Paloma does not return any DeliveryDaySlots.
  • NO_DELIVERY_SCHEMES - Delivery impossible. This day would be a delivery day/slot, but not for this order; no delivery schemes are available for this day, but for a different order with different items, a delivery on this day may be possible.
  • DELIVERY_SCHEMES_AVAILABLE - Delivery schemes available. There are delivery schemes that start on this day.
orderDateTime string[date-time]

This field answers the question "When do I last have to order so I can get some or all articles for this day and deliver slot?".

There are three cases, according to the deliverable field:

  • NO_DELIVERY: orderDateTime is null
  • NO_DELIVERY_SCHEMES: orderDateTime gives last order date time for which an order would have to be made excluding any article-specific rules
  • DELIVERY_SCHEMES_AVAILABLE: the orderDateTime gives the last order date time for which the last of the schemes can be ordered
deliverySchemes array[DeliveryScheme]


Property Type Description
itemId integer[int32]
sku string
deliveryArrangement DeliveryArrangement
preparationDays integer[int32]
forerunDays integer[int32]
orderDateTime string[date-time]


Property Type Description
name string
targetDate string[date]

Date and slot of the first delivery of this delivery scheme.

targetSlot string

Date and slot of the first delivery of this delivery scheme.

deliveryMethodName string

This is set if all the items in the scheme have one, and only one deliveryMethodName. Otherwise this will be null.

orderDateTime string[date-time]
numberOfDeliveries integer[int32]
itemOptions array[DeliveryOption]


Property Type Description
name string


Property Type Description
deliveryArrangement DeliveryArrangement
itemIds array[string]
itemsPricing Pricing

Total price of all items within this delivery tranche.

quantities array[ExpectedDeliveryQuantity]


Property Type Description
unit string
unitCode string
quantity number


Property Type Description
unitPrice number
linePrice number


Property Type Description
date string[date]


Property Type Description
name string

Operation name

available boolean

Whether the operation is available for execution. If false, validation should contain details about why the operation is not available.

validation ObjectOperationValidation


Property Type Description
errors array[ObjectOperationValidationError]


Property Type Description
property string
code string
message string


Property Type Description
properties PropertyValidationInfos


Property Type Description
targetDate string[date]
targetSlot string
preparationDays integer[int32]
forerunDays integer[int32]
orderDateTime string[date-time]


Cart order. This is the primary entity used by the checkout API.

Property Type Description
id string

Unique order ID

created string[date-time]

When the order was created

modified string[date-time]

When the order was last modified

orderNumber string

Order number. Only set after the first finalization

channel string

Order channel

locale string[locale]

Locale code. This locale is used to render locale-specific values within this order

status string Values: cart, finalized, purchased

Order status

origin string

Order origin, e.g. 'order_management', 'portal'

purchaseDate string[date]

Date of purchase. Only set if the order is in status 'purchased'

currency string

Order currency

taxIncluded boolean

Whether prices are shown with taxes included

items array[OrderItem]

List of the order's items

itemsPricing Pricing

Total of all item prices excluding adjustments.

adjustments array[OrderAdjustment]

List of all order adjustments

orderPricing Pricing

Total of all item prices plus adjustments. This is what the customer pays for the whole order.

taxSummary TaxSummary

Summary of taxes applied to the order

customer OrderCustomer

Customer data for the order

billingAddress Address

Order billing address

shippingAddress Address

Order shipping address

paymentMethod PaymentMethod

Selected payment method for the order

shippingMethod ShippingMethod

Selected shipping method for the order

payments array[Payment]

Payments associated with the order

expectedDeliveries array[ExpectedDelivery]

Expected deliveries for this order

coupons array[string]

List of coupon codes applied to the order

modifications array[CartModification]

If an operation requires modification to the order that where not explicitly requested by the client, those modifications are listed here. Example: Prices of items changed because the customer was updated.

broker BrokerDto

Information about the order's broker

comment string

Order comment

customerOrderNumber string

Order number from the customer

customData object

Arbitrary additional data

_validation ObjectValidationInfo

Validation information for the order

_operations array[ObjectOperationInfo]

List of available operations for the order. Only available if the order was fetched using _meta=operations.

  "id": "123",
  "created": "2020-01-23T10:56:23.432Z",
  "modified": "2020-01-23T11:56:23.432Z",
  "orderNumber": "CH00032",
  "channel": "CH",
  "locale": "en",
  "status": "confirmed",
  "currency": "CHF",
  "items": [
      "id": "234",
      "quantity": 2,
      "title": "Adidas Superstars",
      "unitPricing": {
        "currency": "CHF",
        "grossPrice": 249.9,
        "netPrice": 231.4,
        "originalGrossPrice": 299.9,
        "grossPriceFormatted": "249.90",
        "netPriceFormatted": "231.40",
        "originalGrossPriceFormatted": "299.90",
        "taxes": {
          "vat": {
            "rate": 0.08,
            "name": "MWST",
            "amount": 18.5,
            "rateFormatted": "8 %",
            "amountFormatted": "18.50"
      "itemPricing": {
        "currency": "CHF",
        "grossPrice": 499.8,
        "netPrice": 462.8,
        "originalGrossPrice": 599.8,
        "grossPriceFormatted": "499.80",
        "netPriceFormatted": "462.80",
        "originalGrossPriceFormatted": "599.80",
        "taxes": {
          "vat": {
            "rate": 0.08,
            "name": "MWST",
            "amount": 37,
            "rateFormatted": "8 %",
            "amountFormatted": "37.00"
      "variant": {
        "sku": "457",
        "name": "Adidas Superstars Green\/10",
        "taxCategory": "default",
        "pricing": {
          "currency": "CHF",
          "grossPrice": 499.8,
          "taxes": {
            "vat": {
              "rate": 0.08,
              "name": "MWST",
              "amount": 37,
              "rateFormatted": "8 %",
              "amountFormatted": "37.00"
        "price": {
          "currency": "CHF",
          "unit": "piece",
          "unitDecimals": 0,
          "unitPrice": 499.8,
          "tax": "8 %",
          "taxIncluded": true
        "availability": {
          "available": true,
          "stocks": [
              "inventory": "chzh01",
              "stock": 12
          "availableFrom": "2015-12-02"
  "itemsPricing": {
    "currency": "CHF",
    "grossPrice": 199.8,
    "netPrice": 462.8,
    "grossPriceFormatted": "499.80",
    "netPriceFormatted": "462.80",
    "taxes": {
      "vat": {
        "type": "VAT",
        "rate": 0.08,
        "name": "MwSt.",
        "amount": 22.14,
        "rateFormatted": "8 %",
        "amountFormatted": "22.14"
  "adjustments": [
      "type": "shipping",
      "description": "Post-Pack Economy",
      "pricing": {
        "currency": "CHF",
        "grossPrice": 10,
        "netPrice": 10,
        "grossPriceFormatted": "10.00",
        "netPriceFormatted": "10.00"
  "taxSummary": {
    "taxes": [
        "type": "vat",
        "rate": 0.08,
        "name": "MWST",
        "amount": 37,
        "rateFormatted": "8 %",
        "amountFormatted": "37.00"
  "customer": {
    "customerNumber": "989739",
    "emailAddress": "test@astina.io",
    "firstName": "Hans",
    "lastName": "Muster",
    "company": "Muster AG"
  "billingAddress": {
    "title": "Mr.",
    "titleCode": "mr",
    "firstName": "Hans",
    "lastName": "Muster",
    "street": "Musterweg 1",
    "zipCode": 8000,
    "city": "Zurich",
    "country": "CH",
    "phoneNumber": "0445007710",
    "remarks": "This is a remark"
  "shippingAddress": {
    "title": "Mr.",
    "titleCode": "mr",
    "firstName": "Hans",
    "lastName": "Muster",
    "street": "Musterweg 1",
    "zipCode": 8000,
    "city": "Zurich",
    "country": "CH",
    "phoneNumber": "0445007710",
    "remarks": "This is a remark"
  "paymentMethod": {
    "name": "cc_visa",
    "type": "electronic",
    "provider": "datatrans",
    "paymentInstrumentId": "01E4V2JCC9T33QXEAXPHCJEC4F"
  "shippingMethod": {
    "name": "post_priority"
  "payments": {
    "order": "123",
    "paymentMethod": "cc_visa",
    "reference": "2865-397-349",
    "currency": "CHF",
    "amount": 199,
    "status": "authorized"
  "coupons": [
  "broker": {
    "id": "123",
    "name": "Petra Musterfrau",
    "emailAddress": "petra.musterfrau@example.com"


Set billing and shipping address for an order. Address data can either be sent directly or by referencing a customer address ID, but only if a customer ID is already set on the order.

Property Type Description
billingAddress Address
billingAddressId string

ID of one of the order's customer's billing address

shippingAddress Address
shippingAddressId string

ID of one of the order's customer's shipping address


Order adjustment. This can be shipping charges, discounts or some surcharge.

Property Type Description
type string Default: Type of the adjustment Values: shipping, tax, discount, promotion, surcharge
description string

Adjustment description

pricing Pricing

Adjustment price. For discounts, this will be negative amounts.

  "type": "promotion",
  "description": "Christmas Sale",
  "pricing": {
    "currency": "CHF",
    "grossPrice": -20,
    "netPrice": -20,
    "grossPriceFormatted": "-20.00",
    "netPriceFormatted": "-20.00"


Property Type Description
comment string Max: 1000
  "comment": "This is a comment for the order."


Property Type Description
code string
  "code": "CHJX97JS89"


Property Type Description
errors array[OrderCouponErrorItem]
  "errors": [
      "coupon": "TEST123",
      "status": "redemptions_exceeded"


Property Type Description
coupon string

The invalid coupon code

status string Values: not_found, not_eligible, not_combinable, expired, redemptions_exceeded, service_unavailable, error

Reason why the coupon is invalid:

  • not_found: No such coupon code exists
  • not_eligible: The coupon code cannot be applied to this order
  • not_combinable: The coupon code cannot be applied because it conflicts with another coupon code already applied to the order
  • expired: The coupon code has expired
  • redemptions_exceeded: The coupon code has already been used
  • service_unavailable: The coupon service is unavailable
  • error: Other error


Property Type Description
locale string[locale]
channel string
currency string
origin string
customer Customer
broker BrokerDto
  "locale": "de"


Property Type Description
customerNumber string
customerId string
emailAddress string

Email address

firstName string

First name

lastName string

Last name

company string

Company name

deliveryGroup string

Delivery group

catalog string


gender string Values: male, female, unknown
dateOfBirth string[date]
userId string
priceGroups array[string]
  "customerNumber": "1000234",
  "emailAddress": "test@astina.io",
  "firstName": "Hans",
  "lastName": "Muster",
  "company": "Muster AG",
  "gender": "male"


Order line item.

Property Type Description
id string

Unique item ID within an order

sku string

Product variant SKU for this item

itemNumber string

Product item number for this item

quantity number Default: Item quantity
portions integer[int32]

The number of portions the order item quantity will be split into.

unit string

Localized name of the unit for this item

unitCode string

Code of the unit for this item

title string

E.g. product name

description string

E.g. product description

image ProductImage Default: Item article image
variant ProductVariant

Product variant for this item

adjustments array[OrderAdjustment]

Adjustments for this item

parameters array[ParameterValue]

Order item parameters

unitPricing Pricing

Price for one unit of this item

itemPricing Pricing

Price for the whole order item

deliveryArrangement DeliveryArrangement

Selected delivery arrangement for this item

reservationExpires string[date-time]

If the SKU uses managed inventory, An inventory reservation has been made which will expire at the designated time.

_operations array[ObjectOperationInfo]

Information about order item operations. Only available if the order was requested using _meta=operations.

  "id": "234",
  "quantity": 2,
  "unitPricing": {
    "currency": "CHF",
    "grossPrice": 5.4,
    "netPrice": 5,
    "grossPriceFormatted": "5.40",
    "netPriceFormatted": "5.00",
    "taxes": {
      "vat": {
        "rate": 0.08,
        "name": "MWST",
        "amount": 0.4,
        "rateFormatted": "8 %",
        "amountFormatted": "0.40"
  "itemPricing": {
    "currency": "CHF",
    "grossPrice": 10.8,
    "netPrice": 10,
    "grossPriceFormatted": "10.80",
    "netPriceFormatted": "10.00",
    "taxes": {
      "vat": {
        "rate": 0.08,
        "name": "MWST",
        "amount": 0.8,
        "rateFormatted": "8 %",
        "amountFormatted": "0.80"
  "title": "Adidas Superstars",
  "variant": {
    "sku": "457",
    "name": "Adidas Superstars Green\/10"


Property Type Description
sku string Min: 1

Product variant sku

quantity number

The number of items to add. If this is missing, the minimum allowable amount is added. Usually, this is 1, but may be different based on minimumQuantity and/or quantityIncrement.

onInvalidQuantity string Default: fail Values: fail, increment_until_valid

How the application should behave if the requested quantity is not a valid quantity for the item due to the items minimumQuantity/quantityIncrement values (e.g. trying to add quantity 1 for an item with minimumQuantity 10). On invalid quantity:

  • fail - if the quantity provided is invalid, the operation will fail with the validation object containing additional information.
  • increment_until_valid - if the quantity provided is invalid, the quantity will be incremented until it's valid, if possible. Otherwise, the operation will fail with the validation object containing additional information.
unit string

The unit you want to order. Optional. If left empty, the variant's default unit will be used. Note: use the unitCode from the price object for this parameter (unit contains the localized name).

onInvalidUnit string Default: fail Values: fail, use_default_unit

How the application should behave if the requested unit is not a valid unit for the given SKU. On invalid unit:

  • unit - if the unit provided is invalid, the operation will fail with the validation object containing additional information.
  • use_default_unit - if the unit provided is invalid, the default ordering unit of the given SKU will be used.
portions integer[int32] Min: 1

The number of portions the provided quantity will be split into.

id string[int32]

Optional cart item ID to be used. If omitted, the item ID is generated automatically. If provided, the operation will fail if another cart item with the same ID already exists. Also, the new cart item will never be merged with an existing one, if an ID is provided.

allowedUnavailabilityReasons array[string]

List of 'unavailability' reasons to be ignored when adding the item to the cart. Reasons for a variant being unavailable can be found at product.variants[].availability.unavailabilityReasons, for instance.

parameters array[ParameterValue]

Parameters are a way for the customer to specify special wishes when buying a product, such as adding a commentary, selecting a value for a coupon, selecting special ingredients "extra onions", "vegan cheese", configuring a computer or appliance with parts "Base configuration" "Extra 32 TB SSD", or other, similar endeavours. The parameters on the product master specify which parameters (i.e. special wishes) the variants in the product accept. For each of the parameters, a value may (must, if required = true) be given when adding an item.

  "sku": "456",
  "quantity": 1.5,
  "portions": 2


Property Type Description
shippingMethodName string
itemId integer[int32]
sku string
delivery array[OldDeliveryOption]
  "shippingMethodName": "default",
  "position": "1",
  "sku": "item_no_1",
  "delivery": [
      "targetDate": "2021-01-21",
      "targetSlot": "afternoon",
      "preparationDays": 1,
      "forerunDays": 0,
      "orderDateTime": "2021-01-20T12:00:00+01:00"
      "targetDate": "2021-01-22",
      "targetSlot": "morning",
      "preparationDays": 1,
      "forerunDays": 0,
      "orderDateTime": "2021-01-21T12:00:00+01:00"


Property Type Description
itemId integer[int32]
sku string
delivery array[DeliveryOption]


Property Type Description
quantity number

The number of items to set.

onInvalidQuantity string Default: fail Values: fail, increment_until_valid

How the application should behave if the requested quantity is not a valid quantity for the item due to the items minimumQuantity/quantityIncrement values (e.g. trying to add quantity 1 for an item with minimumQuantity 10). On invalid quantity:

  • fail - if the quantity provided is invalid, the operation will fail with the validation object containing additional information.
  • increment_until_valid - if the quantity provided is invalid, the quantity will be incremented until it's valid, if possible. Otherwise, the operation will fail with the validation object containing additional information.
portions integer[int32] Min: 1

The number of portions the provided quantity will be split into.

parameters array[ParameterValue]

Parameters are a way for the customer to specify special wishes when buying a product, such as adding a commentary, selecting a value for a coupon, selecting special ingredients "extra onions", "vegan cheese", configuring a computer or appliance with parts "Base configuration" "Extra 32 TB SSD", or other, similar endeavours. The parameters on the product master specify which parameters (i.e. special wishes) the variants in the product accept. For each of the parameters, a value may (must, if required = true) be given when adding an item.

  "quantity": 2.5,
  "portions": 5


Property Type Description
orderItems array[OrderItemCreateDto] Min: 1

Order item create DTOs

  "orderItems": [
      "sku": "456",
      "quantity": 2
      "sku": "963",
      "quantity": 1


Property Type Description
content array[Order]
size integer

Page size

number integer[int32]

Page number, starting from 0

totalElements integer[int64]

Total number of results for the search

totalPages integer[int32]
last boolean
first boolean
sort string

Sort property

order string Values: asc, desc

Sort order


An ordering unit is a unit of a product variant which can be purchased.

Property Type Description
unit string Min: 1

Localized name of the unit of this ordering unit.

unitCode string

Code of the unit of this ordering unit.

unitDecimals integer[int32]

The number of decimals in which the unit can be defined. E.g. 2 means values like 1.25 or 2.95 are possible, 0 means integer values like 1 or 2.

portioning string Values: none, optional, required

Defines whether and how the product variant can be split into portions using this ordering unit.

  • none: no portioning is possible : - optional: portioning is possible, but not required
    • required: portioning is required
portioningUnit string

Localized unit name the portion quantity should be entered with.

portioningUnitCode string

Code of the unit the portion quantity should be entered with.

portioningNumerator integer[int32]

Numerator to be applied to convert from the portioning unit into the ordering unit (e.g. 1000 if unit is kilogram and portioning unit is gram).

portioningDenominator integer[int32]

Denominator to be applied to convert from the portioning unit into the ordering unit (e.g. 100 if unit is milliliter and portioning unit is deciliter).

minimumQuantity string[decimal-string]

The minimum quantity that can be ordered using this ordering unit.

quantityIncrement string[decimal-string]

When using this ordering unit, the line quantity must be divisible by this amount.

price Price

The price information valid for this ordering unit.

  "unit": "St\u00fcck",
  "unitDecimals": 2,
  "portioning": "none",
  "minimumQuantity": "0.05",
  "price": {
    "currency": "CHF",
    "unit": "MP",
    "unitPrice": "16.68",
    "tax": "7.7 %",
    "taxIncluded": true


Map of product parameter fields with the parameter names as map keys.

  "instructions": {
    "name": "instructions",
    "label": "Instructions",
    "type": "textarea",
    "formOptions": {
      "required": true,
      "maxLength": 500
    "position": 1


Property Type Description
name string
value object


Property Type Description
order string

Order ID

paymentProvider string
paymentProviderType string Values: datatrans, postfinance, test
paymentMethod string
reference string
transactionId string
currency string
amount number
status string Default: initiated Values: initiated, pending, authorized, completed, failed, cancelled, unknown
paymentMeans string Default: initiated Values: invoice, cas, voucher, // Gift or purchase voucher, creditcard, // If exact creditcard is not known, visa, mastercard, american_express, diners_club, maestro, postfinance_card, postfinance_efinance, paypal, twint, jcb, powerpay, other, unknown
maskedCardNumber string
cardHolderCountry string
providerRequest PaymentProviderRequest
providerResponse PaymentProviderResponse
created string[date-time]
modified string[date-time]
  "order": "123",
  "paymentMethod": "cc_visa",
  "reference": "923843284",
  "currency": "CHF",
  "amount": 894.2,
  "status": "authorized"


Property Type Description
successUrl string Min: 1
cancelUrl string Min: 1
errorUrl string Min: 1
  "successUrl": "https:\/\/example.org\/checkout\/success",
  "cancelUrl": "https:\/\/example.org\/checkout\/cancel",
  "errorUrl": "https:\/\/example.org\/checkout\/error"


Property Type Description
id string Min: 1
type string
maskedCardNumber string
expirationMonth string
expirationYear string
  "id": "01E4V2JCC9T33QXEAXPHCJEC4F",
  "type": "Mastercard",
  "maskedCardNumber": "513659xxxxxx5354",
  "expirationMonth": "12",
  "expirationYear": "24"


Property Type Description
id string Min: 1
name string Min: 1
providerCode string
  "id": "american_express",
  "name": "American Express",
  "providerCode": "AMX"


Property Type Description
name string Min: 1
type string Values: invoice, electronic, unknown

Payment methods with type 'electronic' require that the web shop performs a payment flow. See /{channel}/orders/{id}/payments endpoint for information.

provider string Values: datatrans, postfinance, test

Only for type 'electronic': The payment provider that the web shop should use to perform the payment flow.

paymentInstrumentId string
  "name": "creditcard",
  "type": "electronic",
  "provider": "datatrans",
  "paymentInstrumentId": "01E4V2JCC9T33QXEAXPHCJEC4F"


Property Type Description
name string
value string
  "name": "merchant-id",
  "value": "1002323"


Property Type Description
url string
httpMethod string
sent string[date-time]
params array[PaymentProviderParam]
payload string


Property Type Description
received string[date-time]
params array[PaymentProviderParam]
httpStatus string
payload string


Property Type Description
currency string

Formatted currency, usually the currency code.

unit string

Name of the unit this price is valid for.

unitCode string

Code of the unit this price is valid for.

unitDecimals integer[int32]

The number of decimals in which the unit can be defined. E.g. 2 means values like 1.25 or 2.95 are possible, 0 means integer values like 1 or 2.

unitPrice string

The price of one unit. Check taxIncluded to know whether this is the net or the gross price.

originalUnitPrice string

The price before possible discounts. This price will be missing, if it's the same as unitPrice.

tax string

The formatted tax rate.

taxIncluded boolean

Whether the unitPrice includes taxes.

individual boolean

Whether this price is specific for the given price group.

scaling array[PriceScaling]

For scaled prices, this lists the scaling increments. If this is not a scaled price, the property will be missing.

  "currency": "CHF",
  "unit": "St\u00fcck",
  "unitPrice": "16.68",
  "tax": "7.7 %",
  "taxIncluded": true


Property Type Description
scaleQuantity integer[int32] Min: 1
unitPrice string
originalUnitPrice string


Property Type Description
currency string

Currency code

grossPrice number

This is the price the customer has to pay.

netPrice number

Net price (before taxes)

originalGrossPrice number

If the current gross price is reduced, this property holds the original price.

grossPriceFormatted string

Formatted gross price.

netPriceFormatted string

Formatted net price.

originalGrossPriceFormatted string

Formatted original price.

taxes TaxInfo
  "currency": "CHF",
  "grossPrice": 10.8,
  "netPrice": 10,
  "grossPriceFormatted": "10.80",
  "netPriceFormatted": "10.00",
  "taxes": {
    "vat": {
      "rate": 0.08,
      "name": "MWST",
      "amount": 0.8,
      "rateFormatted": "8 %",
      "amountFormatted": "0.80"


Property Type Description
interruptedFrom string[date-time]
interruptedTo string[date-time]


A product unit contains information about packaging, weight and (informational) price. Not all units can be purchased as such. See OrderingUnit for purchasable units.

Property Type Description
unit string Min: 1

Localized name of the unit.

unitCode string

Code of the unit.

minimumQuantity string[decimal-string]

Minimum order quantity.

quantityIncrement string[decimal-string]

Order quantity must be divisible by this value.

grossWeightKg string

Gross weight in kg, localized and formatted.

netWeightKg string

Net weight in kg, localized and formatted.

netDrainedWeightKg string

Net drained weight in kg, localized and formatted.

bundleUnit ProductUnitBundleInfo
price Price

The price information for this unit.

  "unit": "MP",
  "unitCode": "MP",
  "price": {
    "currency": "CHF",
    "unit": "MP",
    "unitCode": "MP",
    "unitPrice": "16.68",
    "tax": "7.7 %",
    "taxIncluded": false


Contains information about units bundled within another unit (e.g. kg in a can, or boxes on a pallet).

Property Type Description
unit string Min: 1

Localized name of the unit.

unitCode string

Code of the unit.

quantity string

How much of this unit is contained within the bundle. Localized and formatted.


Property Type Description
sku string Min: 1

Stock keeping unit (unique)

name string Min: 1

Product variant name

taxCategory string Min: 1

The tax category

pricing Pricing

Variant pricing. This field is deprecated and price should be used, instead.

price Price

Variant price information.

baseOrderingUnit string

Unit code of the base (or 'default') ordering unit.

baseUnit string

Unit code of the base (or 'default') unit.

orderingUnits array[OrderingUnit]

List of all available ordering units for this variant.

units array[ProductUnit]

List of all known units for this variant.

informationalPrices array[Price]

Informational prices for this variant. For instance, the variant price might be for a 5 kg bag, and these prices might include one for 100 g. The variant cannot be bought in 100 g increments, but we might be legally required to the hypothetical price. This field is deprecated and units should be used, instead.

options ProductOptions
attributes ProductAttributes
parameters ParameterFields

Parameters are a way for the customer to specify special wishes when buying a product, such as adding a commentary, selecting a value for a coupon, selecting special ingredients "extra onions", "vegan cheese", configuring a computer or appliance with parts "Base configuration" "Extra 32 TB SSD", or other, similar endeavours. This fields specifies, which parameters this product accepts. A value for each parameter can (must) be sent when purchasing a variant.

assets array[ProductAsset]
images array[ProductImage]
availability ProductAvailability
    "sku": "10704-820-1",
    "name": "Absatzsandale Dunkelblau",
    "pricing": {
      "currency": "CHF",
      "grossPrice": 99,
      "netPrice": 91.65,
      "originalGrossPrice": 219,
      "grossPriceFormatted": "99.00",
      "netPriceFormatted": "91.65",
      "originalGrossPriceFormatted": "219.00",
      "taxes": {
        "vat": {
          "rate": 0.08,
          "name": "MWST",
          "amount": 7.35,
          "rateFormatted": "8 %",
          "amountFormatted": "7.35"
    "options": [
        "option": "size",
        "label": "Gr\u00f6sse",
        "value": "36"
        "option": "color",
        "label": "Farbe",
        "value": "dunkelblau"
    "images": [
        "name": "10704_820a.jpg",
        "sources": [
            "size": "large",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
            "size": "medium",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a.jpg"
            "size": "small",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820a_overview.jpg"
        "name": "10704_820c.jpg",
        "sources": [
            "size": "large",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
            "size": "medium",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
            "size": "small",
            "url": "https:\/\/paloma.one\/images\/examples\/10704_820c.jpg"
    "availability": {
      "available": true,
      "stocks": [
          "inventory": "chzh01",
          "stock": 12
          "inventory": "chzh02",
          "stock": 4


Property Type Description
attribute string

Full attribute path (e.g. customer.customerId)

operator string Values: eq, neq, contains, not_contains, contains_term, not_contains_term, gt, lt, gte, lte
values array[string]

Multiple filter values are applied using OR.

  "attribute": "billing.paymentMethod",
  "values": [


Property Type Description
query string

Search keywords

filters array[SearchFilter]

Search filters; will be applied using AND operations.

  "query": "loafers",
  "filters": [
      "attribute": "status",
      "values": [


Property Type Description
name string Min: 1
deliverySchemeName string Min: 1
shippingZone string
targetDate string[date]
targetSlot string
override boolean

Indicates that the shipping method was set forcefully via the shipping-override endpoint and might not represent an otherwise valid combination of name, targetDate, targetSlot.

  "name": "post_priority"


Property Type Description
shippingMethodName string
delivery array[OldDeliveryOption]
orderItemShippingMethodOptions array[OrderItemShippingMethodOptions]
  "shippingMethodName": "default",
  "delivery": [
      "targetDate": "2021-01-21",
      "targetSlot": "afternoon",
      "preparationDays": 1,
      "forerunDays": 0,
      "orderDateTime": "2021-01-20T12:00:00+01:00"
      "targetDate": "2021-01-22",
      "targetSlot": "morning",
      "preparationDays": 1,
      "forerunDays": 0,
      "orderDateTime": "2021-01-21T12:00:00+01:00"
  "orderItemShippingMethodOptions": [
      "shippingMethodName": "default",
      "position": "1",
      "sku": "item_no_1",
      "delivery": [
          "targetDate": "2021-01-21",
          "targetSlot": "afternoon",
          "preparationDays": 1,
          "forerunDays": 0,
          "orderDateTime": "2021-01-20T12:00:00+01:00"
          "targetDate": "2021-01-22",
          "targetSlot": "morning",
          "preparationDays": 1,
          "forerunDays": 0,
          "orderDateTime": "2021-01-21T12:00:00+01:00"


Property Type Description
deliveryDayOptions array[DeliveryDayOptions]
orderItemShippingOptions array[OrderItemShippingOptions]


Property Type Description
name string Min: 1
targetDate string[date]
targetSlot string
  "name": "default",
  "targetDate": "2022-05-01"


Property Type Description
type string Values: VAT
rate number[double]

Tax rate as decimal

name string
amount number

Tax amount

rateFormatted string

Formatted tax rate

amountFormatted string

Formatted tax amount

  "tye": "VAT",
  "rate": 0.08,
  "name": "MWST",
  "amount": 0.8,
  "rateFormatted": "8 %",
  "amountFormatted": "0.80"


Property Type Description
vat Tax
taxInclusion string Values: inclusive, exclusive, not_applicable
  "vat": {
    "tye": "VAT",
    "rate": 0.08,
    "name": "MWST",
    "amount": 0.8,
    "rateFormatted": "8 %",
    "amountFormatted": "0.80"


Property Type Description
taxes array[Tax]



Property Type Description
acceptIntoCustomerId string

Customer ID, of the customer to accept the user into.

autoApprove boolean

Approve the request automatically. If set to false, the customer admin still needs to approve of the request, if set to true, the user will be created and able to log-in instantly. Approval by customer admins will be implemented at a later time, so currently this field must be set to true.

assignedRoles array[string]
updatedFormData AccessRequestDto

The admin will be able to edit the data entered by the user.


Property Type Description
reason string

Customer ID, of the customer to accept the user into.


Property Type Description
firstName string

First name of the prospective user.

lastName string

Last name of the prospective user.

company string

Company that the user wants to register or gain access to.

phoneNumber string

Phone number of the prospective user. The client (shop operator) may contact the prospective user using this telephone number, for instance, to screen the prospective user/customer or negotiate conditions.

emailAddress string[email] Min: 1

E-mail address of the prospective user. Some organisations allow the user to be accepted automatically if the user applies with an organizational e-mail address.

existingCustomerDto AccessRequestDtoExistingCustomer

To be given if the user wants access to an existing customer. existingCustomerDto and newCustomerDto are mutually exclusive.

newCustomerDto AccessRequestDtoNewCustomer

To be given if the user become a new customer. existingCustomerDto and newCustomerDto are mutually exclusive.

locale string[locale]

Locale code (de, en, fr, de_CH, ...)

confirmationBaseUrl string

A confirmation token will be appended to this URL to be included in the confirmation email sent to the user.


Property Type Description
customerNumber string

Customer number. May help match the user to a customer. If the user enters both customer number and request code, then both need to belong to the same customer. Neither customerNumber nor requestCode is required, but giving either or both will speed up the process.

requestCode string

A request code. Some organizations distribute request codes, with which new users can be accepted automatically. Neither customerNumber nor requestCode is required, but giving either or both will speed up the process.


Property Type Description
street string

Postal address of the prospective customer.

zipCode string

Postal address of the prospective customer.

city string

Postal address of the prospective customer.


Address data

Property Type Description
title string Max: 50


titleCode string Values: ms, mr, unknown

Salutation code

firstName string Max: 50

First name

lastName string Max: 50

Last name

company string Max: 50

Company name

street string Max: 50

Address street

zipCode string Max: 50

ZIP code

city string Max: 50

Address city

country string Min: 2 Max: 2

Country code

phoneNumber string Max: 50

Phone number

emailAddress string Max: 255

Email address

remarks string Max: 255

Additional remarks about the address

  "title": "Mr.",
  "firstName": "Hans",
  "lastName": "Muster",
  "company": "Muster AG",
  "street": "Musterweg 1",
  "zipCode": "8000",
  "city": "Zurich",
  "country": "CH",
  "phoneNumber": "0445007710",
  "emailAddress": "test@astina.io",
  "remarks": "This is a remark"


Property Type Description
user AuthenticationToken_User
customer AuthenticationToken_Customer
  "user": {
    "username": "test@astina.io",
    "id": "12324-3434-3434",
    "confirmed": true
  "customer": {
    "customerNumber": "10001",
    "emailAddress": "test@astina.io",
    "locale": "de_CH",
    "firstName": "Hans",
    "lastName": "Muster",
    "company": "Muster AG",
    "gender": "male",
    "id": "43435-6565-6565"


Property Type Description
customerNumber string

Customer number

emailAddress string

Primary email address

locale string[locale]

Locale code (de, en, fr, de_CH, ...)

firstName string

First name

lastName string

Last name

company string

Company name

gender string Values: male, female, unknown
id string

Paloma customer ID

catalog string

Customer catalog


Property Type Description
username string
id string

Paloma user ID

confirmed boolean
locale string[locale]

Locale code (de, en, fr, de_CH, ...)

firstName string

First name

lastName string

Last name

permissions array[string]

User permissions


Property Type Description
title string Max: 50
titleCode string Values: mr, ms
firstName string Max: 50
lastName string Max: 50
company string Max: 50
street string Max: 50
zipCode string Max: 50
city string Max: 50
country string Min: 2 Max: 2

Country code

phoneNumber string Max: 50
emailAddress string Max: 255
remarks string Max: 255
  "title": "Mr.",
  "firstName": "Hans",
  "lastName": "Muster",
  "company": "Muster AG",
  "street": "Musterweg 1",
  "zipCode": "8000",
  "city": "Zurich",
  "country": "CH",
  "phoneNumber": "0445007710",
  "emailAddress": "test@astina.io",
  "remarks": "This is a remark"


Property Type Description
address Address
paymentMethod string
accountNumber string
  "address": {
    "firstName": "Hans",
    "lastName": "Muster",
    "street": "Musterstrasse 1",
    "zipCode": "4321",
    "city": "Musterstadt",
    "country": "CH",
    "phoneNumber": "098 765 43 21",
    "emailAddress": "test@astina.ch",
    "remarks": "This is a remark"
  "paymentMethod": "invoice"


Property Type Description
name string Min: 1 Max: 60


A channel is a virtual store front. Each channel can have its own catalog (products and categories), prices, languages, shipping methods and payment settings.

Property Type Description
name string

Channel name

currencies array[string]

Supported currencies by this channel (ISO 4217)

locales array[string]

Supported locales by this channel

origins array[string]

Known order origins by this channel

customers ChannelCustomerSettings

Customer settings for this channel

    "name": "b2c_ch",
    "currencies": [
    "locales": [
    "customers": {
      "countries": [
    "name": "b2c_de",
    "currencies": [
    "locales": [
    "customers": {
      "countries": [
    "name": "b2b_ch",
    "currencies": [
    "locales": [


Customer settings for a channel

Property Type Description
countries array[string]

Countries allowed in customer addresses


Property Type Description
token string Min: 1 Max: 50
  "token": "4eeatk85pQQB9Dd8aBAADwswHZTFtBqF"


Property Type Description
id string

Paloma customer ID

type string Values: individual, organization
customerNumber string
emailAddress string
channel string
locale string[locale]

Locale code (de, en, fr, de_CH, ...)

firstName string

First name

lastName string

Last name

company string

Company name

gender string Values: male, female, unknown
dateOfBirth string[date]
contactAddress Address
billingAddress Address
shippingAddress Address
shippingPreferences ShippingPreferences
deliveryGroup string
catalog string
customerStatus string Values: enabled, disabled
priceGroups array[string]
orderLimits CustomerOrderLimits
users array[MinimalUser]
customData object
_validation ObjectValidationInfo
  "id": "43435-6565-6565",
  "type": "individual",
  "channel": "example",
  "customerNumber": "989739",
  "emailAddress": "test@astina.io",
  "locale": "de_CH",
  "firstName": "Hans",
  "lastName": "Muster",
  "company": "Muster AG",
  "gender": "male",
  "priceGroups": [


Property Type Description
id string

Unique customer address ID

type string Values: contact, billing, shipping

Address type

address Address
defaultAddress boolean

True if this address is the default address for its type

externalId string

Optional ID, e.g. an account number


Property Type Description
type string Values: contact, billing, shipping

Address type

address Address
defaultAddress boolean

True if this address is the default address for its type

externalId string

Optional ID, e.g. an account number


Property Type Description
type string Default: individual Values: individual, organization
emailAddress string

Primary email address

locale string[locale]

Locale code (de, en, fr, de_CH, ...)

firstName string

First name

lastName string

Last name

company string

Company name

gender string Values: male, female, unknown
dateOfBirth string[date]

In yyyy-MM-dd format (e.g. 1980-01-01)

customerStatus string Values: enabled, disabled
user CustomerCreateDto_User
contactAddress Address
billingAddress Address
shippingAddress Address
deliveryGroup string
confirmationBaseUrl string

A confirmation token will be appended to this URL to be included in the confirmation email sent to the user.

  "type": "individual",
  "emailAddress": "test@astina.io",
  "user": {
    "username": "hmuster",
    "password": "123456"
  "locale": "de",
  "confirmationBaseUrl": "http:\/\/example.org\/users\/confirm"


Property Type Description
username string Min: 3 Max: 100
emailAddress string
password string Min: 3


Property Type Description
minItemsPrice integer[int32]

Minimum order items value.

maxItemsPrice integer[int32]

Maximum order items value.


Property Type Description
content array[Customer]
size integer[int32]

Page size

number integer[int32]

Page number, starting from 0

totalElements integer[int64]

Total number of results for the search

totalPages integer[int32]
last boolean
first boolean
sort array[Sort]

Sort property

  "content": [
      "id": "43435-6565-6565",
      "channel": "CH",
      "customerNumber": "989739",
      "emailAddress": "test@astina.io",
      "locale": "de_CH",
      "firstName": "Hans",
      "lastName": "Muster",
      "company": "Muster AG",
      "gender": "male",
      "priceGroups": [
      "id": "43435-4523-1587",
      "channel": "CH",
      "customerNumber": "989191",
      "emailAddress": "test2@astina.io",
      "locale": "de_CH",
      "firstName": "Petra",
      "lastName": "Muster",
      "company": "Beispiel AG",
      "gender": "female",
      "priceGroups": [
  "totalElements": 2,
  "last": true,
  "first": true,
  "sort": [
      "direction": "DESC",
      "property": "customerNumber",
      "ascending": true,
      "descending": false
  "size": 20,
  "number": 0


Property Type Description
type string Values: individual, organization
emailAddress string

Primary email address

locale string[locale]

Locale code (de, en, fr, de_CH, ...)

firstName string

First name

lastName string

Last name

company string

Company name

gender string Values: male, female, unknown
dateOfBirth string[date]

In yyyy-MM-dd format (e.g. 1980-01-01)

customerStatus string Values: enabled, disabled
confirmationToken string
confirmationBaseUrl string

A confirmation token will be appended to this URL to be included in the confirmation email sent to the user.

  "locale": "de_CH",
  "firstName": "Peter",
  "lastName": "Muster",
  "dateOfBirth": "1979-01-16"


Property Type Description
id string
orderNumber string
channel string
orderDate string[date-time]
locale string[locale]
status string Values: unknown, draft, incoming, payment_pending, purchased, processed, assembly, shipped, delivered, canceled, returned, returned_partial, refunded
origin string
currency string
taxIncluded boolean
customer OrderCustomer
billing Billing
shipping Shipping
items array[OrderItem]
adjustments array[OrderAdjustment]
deliveries array[Delivery]
pointOfSale PointOfSale
totals OrderTotals
comment string
customerOrderNumber string
  "id": "f76885bf-e923-4924-a204-9c9943013cfc",
  "orderNumber": "123",
  "channel": "CH",
  "orderDate": "2018-02-21T09:17:42.000+0000",
  "locale": "de_CH",
  "status": "processed",
  "currency": "CHF",
  "customer": {
    "customerNumber": "6548",
    "emailAddress": "test@astina.io",
    "firstName": "Hans",
    "lastName": "Muster",
    "company": "Muster AG",
    "gender": "unknown"
  "billing": {
    "address": {
      "title": "Herr",
      "firstName": "Hans",
      "lastName": "Muster",
      "street": "Musterstrasse 1",
      "zipCode": "1234",
      "city": "Musterhausen",
      "country": "CH",
      "phoneNumber": "012 345 67 89",
      "emailAddress": "test@astina.ch",
      "remarks": "This is a remark"
    "paymentMethod": "invoice",
    "accountNumber": "123"
  "shipping": {
    "address": {
      "title": "Herr",
      "firstName": "Hans",
      "lastName": "Muster",
      "street": "Musterstrasse 1",
      "zipCode": "1234",
      "city": "Musterhausen",
      "country": "CH",
      "phoneNumber": "012 345 67 89",
      "emailAddress": "test@astina.ch",
      "remarks": "This is a remark"
    "addressReference": "321",
    "deliveryMethod": "swiss_post",
    "targetDate": "2018-02-27"
  "items": [
      "position": 1,
      "sku": "300004233",
      "name": "K\u00fcrbis-Curry-Cr\u00e8mesuppe",
      "params": [],
      "quantity": 1,
      "unitPrice": "3.90",
      "taxRate": "2.5 %",
      "adjustmentsAmount": "0.00",
      "image": {
        "name": "168258ead73557d16e715488e8322a514aa42c8d_Kuerbis_Curry_Suppe_WEB.jpg",
        "sources": [
            "size": "full",
            "url": "http:\/\/localhost:8193\/full\/1\/6\/8\/2\/168258ead73557d16e715488e8322a514aa42c8d_Kuerbis_Curry_Suppe_WEB.jpg"
            "size": "large",
            "url": "http:\/\/localhost:8193\/large\/1\/6\/8\/2\/168258ead73557d16e715488e8322a514aa42c8d_Kuerbis_Curry_Suppe_WEB.jpg"
            "size": "medium",
            "url": "http:\/\/localhost:8193\/medium\/1\/6\/8\/2\/168258ead73557d16e715488e8322a514aa42c8d_Kuerbis_Curry_Suppe_WEB.jpg"
            "size": "small",
            "url": "http:\/\/localhost:8193\/small\/1\/6\/8\/2\/168258ead73557d16e715488e8322a514aa42c8d_Kuerbis_Curry_Suppe_WEB.jpg"
      "deliveryId": "200-72433811"
      "position": 2,
      "sku": "300003650",
      "name": "Bircherm\u00fcesli",
      "params": [],
      "quantity": 1,
      "unitPrice": "3.70",
      "taxRate": "2.5 %",
      "adjustmentsAmount": "0.00",
      "deliveryId": "200-72433811"
      "position": 3,
      "sku": "130708200",
      "name": "Multifrucht Saft",
      "params": [],
      "quantity": 1,
      "unitPrice": "2.10",
      "taxRate": "2.5 %",
      "adjustmentsAmount": "0.00",
      "deliveryId": "200-72433811"
      "position": 4,
      "sku": "300009716",
      "name": "Fleischvogel",
      "params": [],
      "quantity": 1,
      "unitPrice": "14.80",
      "taxRate": "2.5 %",
      "adjustmentsAmount": "0.00",
      "deliveryId": "200-72433811"
      "position": 5,
      "sku": "300009719",
      "name": "Lachsfilet",
      "params": [],
      "quantity": 1,
      "unitPrice": "13.80",
      "taxRate": "2.5 %",
      "adjustmentsAmount": "0.00",
      "deliveryId": "200-72433811"
      "position": 6,
      "sku": "300009727",
      "name": "Ch\u00e4s-Chn\u00f6pfli",
      "params": [],
      "quantity": 1,
      "unitPrice": "11.80",
      "taxRate": "2.5 %",
      "adjustmentsAmount": "0.00",
      "deliveryId": "200-72433811"
      "position": 7,
      "sku": "300003763",
      "name": "Cervelat-K\u00e4se-Salat",
      "params": [],
      "quantity": 1,
      "unitPrice": "4.60",
      "taxRate": "2.5 %",
      "adjustmentsAmount": "0.00",
      "deliveryId": "200-72433811"
      "position": 8,
      "sku": "300003808",
      "name": "Mah-Mee",
      "params": [],
      "quantity": 1,
      "unitPrice": "5.40",
      "taxRate": "2.5 %",
      "adjustmentsAmount": "0.00",
      "deliveryId": "200-72433811"
  "adjustments": [],
  "deliveries": [
      "id": "200-72433811",
      "deliveryMethod": "swiss_post",
      "sent": "2018-02-27T00:00:00.000+0000"
  "totals": {
    "itemsTotal": "60.10",
    "shippingTotal": "0.00",
    "orderTotal": "60.10",
    "includedTaxes": [
        "type": "vat",
        "name": "MwSt.",
        "rate": "2.5 %",
        "amount": "1.52"
  "comment": "This is a comment."


Property Type Description
id string
deliveryMethod string
sent string[date-time]
parcels array[DeliveryParcel]
  "id": "200-72433811",
  "deliveryMethod": "swiss_post",
  "sent": "2018-02-27T00:00:00.000+0000",
  "parcels": [
      "parcelNumber": "2",
      "trackingCode": "9012844"


Property Type Description
id string

Delivery ID

deliveryNumber string

Delivery number

status string Values: unknown, ready, shipped, delivered

Delivery status

customerId string

Customer ID

deliveryMethod string
targetDate string[date]

Expected delivery date

targetTime string[time]

Expected delivery time on the delivery date

sent string[date-time]
delivered string[date-time]
sender PostalAddress
recipient PostalAddress
orders array[OrderInfo]
items array[DeliveryItemDetails]
parcels array[DeliveryParcel]
  "id": "12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789013",
  "customerId": "66345678-7712-9956-4490-888856789013",
  "deliveryMethod": "swiss_post",
  "sent": "2020-01-20",
  "sender": {
    "salutation": "Mr.",
    "name1": "Hans",
    "name2": "Muster",
    "name3": "Muster AG",
    "street": "Musterweg 1",
    "zipCode": "8000",
    "city": "Zurich",
    "country": "CH",
    "phoneNumber": "0445007710",
    "emailAddress": "test@astina.io",
    "remarks": "This is a remark"
  "recipient": {
    "salutation": "Mr.",
    "name1": "Hans",
    "name2": "Muster",
    "name3": "Muster AG",
    "street": "Musterweg 1",
    "zipCode": "8000",
    "city": "Zurich",
    "country": "CH",
    "phoneNumber": "0445007710",
    "emailAddress": "test@astina.io",
    "remarks": "This is a remark"
  "items": [
      "sku": "300001234",
      "orderId": "12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789013",
      "orderNumber": "66345678-7712-9956-4490-888856789013",
      "position": 10,
      "name": "Black Shoes",
      "quantity": 12,
      "quantityUnit": "PCE",
      "customData": {
        "customProperty1": "value1",
        "customProperty2": "value2"
      "sku": "300009876",
      "orderId": "12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789013",
      "orderNumber": "66345678-7712-9956-4490-888856789013",
      "position": 10,
      "name": "Socks",
      "quantity": 10,
      "quantityUnit": "PCE",
      "customData": {
        "customProperty1": "value1",
        "customProperty2": "value2"
  "parcels": [
      "parcelNumber": "1234",
      "trackingCode": "8000123456",
      "trackingUrl": "https:\/\/foo.bar\/8000123456"
      "parcelNumber": "9876",
      "trackingCode": "8000987654",
      "trackingUrl": "https:\/\/foo.bar\/8000987654"


Property Type Description
sku string
orderId string
orderNumber string
position integer[int32]
name string
quantity number[double]
quantityUnit string
image ProductImage
customData object
  "sku": "300001234",
  "orderId": "12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789013",
  "orderNumber": "66345678-7712-9956-4490-888856789013",
  "position": 10,
  "name": "Black Shoes",
  "quantity": 12,
  "quantityUnit": "l",
  "customData": {
    "customProperty1": "value1",
    "customProperty2": "value2"


Property Type Description
content array[DeliveryDetails]
size integer[int32]

Page size

number integer[int32]

Page number, starting from 0

totalElements integer[int64]

Total number of results for the search

totalPages integer[int32]
last boolean
first boolean
sort array[DeliveryPageSort]

Sort property

  "content": [
      "id": "12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789013",
      "customerId": "66345678-7712-9956-4490-888856789013",
      "deliveryMethod": "swiss_post",
      "sent": "2020-01-20",
      "sender": {
        "salutation": "Mr.",
        "name1": "Hans",
        "name2": "Muster",
        "name3": "Muster AG",
        "street": "Musterweg 1",
        "zipCode": "8000",
        "city": "Zurich",
        "country": "CH",
        "phoneNumber": "0445007710",
        "emailAddress": "test@astina.io",
        "remarks": "This is a remark"
      "recipient": {
        "salutation": "Mr.",
        "name1": "Hans",
        "name2": "Muster",
        "name3": "Muster AG",
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        "zipCode": "8000",
        "city": "Zurich",
        "country": "CH",
        "phoneNumber": "0445007710",
        "emailAddress": "test@astina.io",
        "remarks": "This is a remark"
      "items": [
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          "position": 10,
          "name": "Black Shoes",
          "quantity": 12,
          "quantityUnit": "PCE",
          "customData": {
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          "orderId": "12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789013",
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          "name": "Socks",
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          "quantityUnit": "PCE",
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            "customProperty1": "value1",
            "customProperty2": "value2"
      "parcels": [
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          "trackingUrl": "https:\/\/foo.bar\/8000123456"
          "parcelNumber": "9876",
          "trackingCode": "8000987654",
          "trackingUrl": "https:\/\/foo.bar\/8000987654"
      "deliverySlipUrl": "https:\/\/foo.bar\/delivery-slip"
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      "direction": "ASC",
      "property": "sent",
      "ascending": true,
      "descending": false
  "size": 20,
  "number": 0


Property Type Description
parcelNumber string
trackingCode string
trackingUrl string
  "parcelNumber": "1234",
  "trackingCode": "8000123456",
  "trackingUrl": "https:\/\/foo.bar\/8000123456"


Property Type Description
results array[ImportSheet]


Property Type Description
row integer[int32]
status string Values: ok, not_ok

Row processing status:

  • ok - row was processed successfully
  • not_ok - something was wrong with the row, no changes have been applied
sku string

Value from the SKU column, or from the product if the SKU column doesn't exist or is empty.

quantity number

Value from the quantity column. If this is missing, it'll assumed to be 1 for the add operation.

unit string

Defines in which unit the quantity is described

portions integer[int32]

The number of portions of the defined quantity.

lookup array[ImportRowLookup]

Detailed search order in the catalog.

operation string Values: add, update_quantity, sum_quantity, identical, ignore_unspecific, ignore_missing_in_catalog, ignore_duplicate, ignore_invalid_quantity

Watchlist operation:

  • add - the item was added to the watchlist
  • update_quantity - the item already existed on the watchlist, but the quantity has been updated
  • sum_quantity - duplicate item on the same sheet: quantities were added
  • identical - the item is already on the watchlist, and the entry is identical
  • ignore_unspecific - row ignored because there was no SKU column, and no unique product could be found in the catalog.
  • ignore_missing_in_catalog - row ignored because it wasn't found in the catalog. watchlistIndex indicates, whether it's already on the list.
  • ignore_duplicate - duplicate import row has been ignored
  • ignore_invalid_quantity - row ignored because its quantity column had an invalid value
watchlistIndex integer[int32]

Item index in the watchlist result. Available if status is ok.


Property Type Description
cell string
label string
value string
foundInCatalog string Values: not_applicable, not_found, unique, multiple

Catalog inquiry status:

  • not_applicable - cell/value wasn't used for product lookup (e.g. "quantity" columns and cells with no value aren't used. For other columns, this depends on the server's configuration).
  • not_found - no product found
  • unique - a unique product result was found, no further searching required
  • multiple - multiple products were found in the catalog, results have been discarded


Property Type Description
sheetName string Min: 1
watchlistId string
status string Values: ignored, created, updated

Sheet update status:

  • ignored - the sheet has been ignored because there were no usable items in it
  • created - a new sheet has been created
  • updated - an existing sheet was updated
importRows array[ImportRow]
removals array[WatchlistItemRemoval]


Property Type Description
type string Values: vat
name string
rate string

Tax rate with percent sign

amount string

Formatted tax amount without currency

  "type": "vat",
  "name": "MwSt.",
  "rate": "2.5 %",
  "amount": "1.52"


Property Type Description
id string
username string
emailAddress string
firstName string
lastName string
  "id": "43435-6565-6565",
  "username": "hmuster",
  "emailAddress": "testuser@astina.io"


Property Type Description
properties PropertyValidationInfos


Property Type Description
permitted boolean


Property Type Description
orderNumber string
quantity number
unit string
validFrom string[date-time]


Property Type Description
position integer[int32]
type string Values: shipping, tax, discount, surcharge
name string
quantity number
unitPrice string
taxAmount string
taxRate string

Tax rate with percent sign

grossItemTotal string
netItemTotal string
  "position": 1,
  "type": "promotion",
  "name": "Christmas Sale",
  "quantity": 1,
  "unitPrice": "-5.40",
  "taxAmount": "-0.14",
  "taxRate": "2.5 %",
  "grossItemTotal": "-5.40",
  "netItemTotal": "-5.27"


Property Type Description
customerNumber string
firstName string
lastName string
company string
emailAddress string
gender string Values: male, female, unknown
  "customerNumber": "12345",
  "emailAddress": "test@astina.io",
  "firstName": "Hans",
  "lastName": "Muster",
  "company": "Muster AG",
  "gender": "male"


Property Type Description
orderId string
orderNumber string
orderDate string[date-time]


Property Type Description
position integer[int32]
sku string
code string
params OrderItemParams

Arbitrary key-value pairs with additional parameters.

name string
quantity number
portions integer[int32]

The number of portions the order item quantity will be split into.

unit string

Localized name of the unit for this item

unitCode string

Code of the unit for this item

unitPrice string
linePrice string
grossItemTotal string

Deprecated: use linePrice instead